Harbor, a black and tan coonhound, has earned recognition from Guinness World Records as the living dog with the world's longest ears。这只叫做Harbor的黑棕猎熊犬刚刚获得吉尼斯纪录认证成为世界上耳朵最长的狗。
The 8-year-old pooch has a left ear that measures 12.25 inches and a right ear that measures 13.5 inches, according to the 2012 edition of the record book, which will be released Sept. 15.即将在9月15号发行的2012年吉尼斯纪录中纪录,这只狗狗今年8岁,耳朵有12.25英寸(约31.1厘米)长,右耳长约13.5英寸。
Harbor's enormous ears have earned him plenty of fans, according to his owner Jennifer Wert。从它的主人Jennifer Wert处了解到,Harbor的长耳朵还吸引了不少粉丝。
But they can also be a burden. When the purebred was a pup, he used to trip over them and tumble down the stairs。但是这双大耳朵同时也是Harbor的负担。Harbor小时候经常会被这对长耳朵绊倒,从楼梯上滚下来。
Today, passersby often take pictures of Harbor's droopy ears or give them a friendly tug when he's out for a walk。现在Harbor和家人出去玩的时候,路人看到Harbor都会拿出相机拍拍它的大耳朵,然后友善地拉起它的大耳朵看看。
"Most days I forget how oddly long his ears are," said Wert. "He's a phenomenon in the world and he creates smiles wherever we go."“一般我都不太记得它有一对奇怪的长耳朵,”主人Wert说:“它创造了一个奇迹,带来了无尽的欢笑。”