
2015年07月27日14:33  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Cats Hate Being Ignored by Their Humans。猫讨厌被主人忽视。

  Contrary to some people's beliefs, cats are not solitary animals, but they need and enjoy companionship, both with other cats and with their favorite humans。与一些人所相信的恰恰相反,猫不是独处的动物,它们需要、也喜欢有人陪,有其他猫陪着或者有它们最喜欢的人陪着都行。

  My Jennifur, pictured here, sulks when I leave her alone too long, and either swats out at me or steals my office chair. I've learned to compensate

  by taking several fifteen minute breaks during my workday to brush her, entertain her with a wand toy, give her a treat, or just hold her and pet her。照片里是我的詹尼弗,它正生闷气呢,我把它撇下时间太长了,它不是使劲抓我,就是霸占我的办公椅。我已经学会如何补偿它了,工作的时候我会偶尔抽出15分钟时间给它梳梳毛、用玩具棒逗它、喂它点好吃的或者就只是抱着它摸它。

  Cats hate dirty, stinky litter boxes, and may be driven to search for substitutes, whether a corner of the carpet or in a basket of clean laundry in the closet。猫讨厌脏得发臭的猫砂盆,由此可能会被迫去找一个替代品,有可能是地毯的一角或橱柜里装换洗衣服的篮子。

  Your cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than yours, so a litter box that smells reasonably clean to you may downright stink to your cat's discerning olfactory senses。猫的嗅觉比你强14倍,所以你闻着比较干净的猫砂盆可能对嗅觉灵敏的猫来说已经臭得不行了。

  Cats don't like spoiled food. Stale or spoiled canned food not only smells bad, but also is unhealthy for cats to eat. According to PetEducation.com, some of the toxins cats can get from spoiled food include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Salmonella。猫不喜欢变质的食物。不新鲜或者变质的罐头不仅闻着不好,猫吃了也不健康。据PetEducation.com网站上说,猫从变质食物中可能会摄入的一些毒素,包括大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌、链球菌和沙门氏菌。

  The length of time you can leave canned cat food before spoilage depends on room temperature. In the summer, lacking air conditioning, I'd suggest leaving the food out no longer than 20 minutes, maximum. Likewise, in the winter, if the heater is on, or the food is in a warm kitchen, 20 minutes would apply. The absolute maximum under optimum temperature, would be around 30 minutes。罐头猫粮变质时间长短取决于室温。夏天没有空调的话,我建议食物暴露在外面最长不要超过20分钟。同样,冬天如果加热器开着或者食物放在温暖的厨房里,只能放20分钟,常温下最长也就放30分钟左右。

  Some pills taste so vile that cats literally foam at the mouth while swallowing them (or spit them back in your face。) It's even worse if you expect them to swallow pills dry。有些药太难吃,猫咽下药的时候简直要怒了(或者把药吐回到你脸上),如果你想让它们干吞的话会更糟。


  Some cats are overly sensitive to tactile stimuli. Feline hyperesthesia is often associated with this。

  Your cat may be on your lap, sharing a tender moment as you are petting her, but after a while may suddenly growl or hiss, then bite or scratch you and jump down。一些猫对触觉刺激极为敏感,猫科动物感觉过敏通常跟这有关。你的猫咪可能正趴在你的腿上,你摸着它,和它一起享受温柔的时光,但过一会可能它突然就发出低沉的呼噜声或嘶嘶的声音,然后咬你一下或者挠你一下就跳下去了。

  Cats accept grooming from other cats on the head and neck, and full body strokes may feel 'unacceptable' and stimulate the biting. Limit your petting to the cat’s head or the back of his neck. Then identify the cat’s petting threshold. In other words, count the number of strokes he allows before aggressing; watch his body signals so you stop before he bites。猫能接受别的猫梳理它头上和脖子上的毛,但若轻碰它全身,它可能就感觉难以接受,刺激它扑咬。你只能轻抚它的头或脖子后面,然后确定一下能摸到什么程度,换句话说,就是数一数在它发动袭击之前它允许你摸几下;注意它身体的信号,在被咬之前你就得停下。


  Many cats hate competition from other cats. Hierarchy Disputes: Amy Shojai wrote "In households where the cats get along very well, the 'top cat' position may change from room to room, with each kitty giving ground to the “owner” of the property only when s/he appears. Otherwise, the cats time-share and can all use the same favorite bed, for instance—as long as they get out if the 'owner' asks." 很多猫讨厌和别的猫竞争。在《等级纷争》这本书中,Amy Shojai写道:“在猫猫们友好相处的家庭中,猫中‘老大’的地位在每个房间属于不同的猫,只有当东西的主人出现时,其他猫才会让步。否则的话,猫会一起分享,比如说会共用喜欢的床,只要主人有要求时它们离开就可以。”

  Holiday times are often extremely stressful for cats, especially those we've come to associate with fireworks, such as the 4th of July and New Year's Eve. Loud parties at any time of the year are also stressful for most cats, especially the older ones。节日通常会给猫带来极大的压力,尤其是我们要放烟火的节日,比如说7月4日的国庆和新年前夜。一年中随时举办的喧闹的聚会也让大多数猫很紧张,尤其是上了年纪的猫。

  Thunderstorms are also a source of fear and stress for many cats. Five of my six cats panic and run to their bedroom sanctuaries whenever they hear a doorbell ring, even on a television commercial. Outside loud sounds are not the only noise that causes stress in cats. Family fights are even worse, because they are between people cats love。雷雨也会给很多猫造成恐惧和压力。我的6只猫里有5只无论什么时候听到门铃响(甚至是电视广告里的)都会很惊慌,然后跑回窝里。外面的吵闹不是唯一给猫造成压力的噪音,家人间的争吵甚至更糟糕,因为他们都是猫所爱的人。


文章关键词: 双语喵星人

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