This weekend's Twins Days, a festival celebrating twins in Twinsburg, Ohio, was the biggest jamboree yet。本周末的双胞胎节日在俄亥俄州特温斯堡举行,这是一场最为盛大的欢乐(双胞胎)庆典。
Celebrating its 40th anniversary, the festival had about 2,000 sets of twins turn out, from toddlers to adults。为了庆祝40周年纪念,大约有2000对双胞胎出席了“双胞胎节”——从牙牙学语的孩童到已经成年的大人。
The Twins Days Festival, which began in 1975, is the largest annual gathering of twins and other multiples in the world. 双胞胎节始于1975年,是世界上一年一度最盛大的双胞胎以及多胞胎集合的盛会。
Picture: Star Wars fans Nathan and Scott Hasbrook, 24, pose during the 2015 Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, on Saturday。上图:周六,《星球大战》的粉丝——24岁的南森·哈斯布鲁克和斯考特·哈斯布鲁特,在俄亥俄州特温斯堡2015年双胞胎节上摆POSE。
Fancy feathers: Mimina and Marita Meza Vergara, 35, from Venezuela, dressed in Native American outfits for the event this weekend。奇特的羽毛:为了参加本周末的活动,来自委内瑞拉35岁的米米拉·就范盖拉和玛丽塔·就范盖拉身着美国土著服装。
Circuit training: Heather and Tara Kelly, 42, dressed as eye-catching robots for the event, which was first held in 1975.循环训练:42岁的希瑟·凯利和塔拉·凯利在这场1975年首办的活动上打扮成夺人眼球的机器人。
Ryan Marshall and his twin Bryan Marshall, both of Cleveland practice some acrobatics for the parade。来自克利夫兰的瑞安·马歇尔和他的双胞胎(兄弟)布莱恩·马歇尔在为游行练习一些杂技动作。
Rachel and Alyssa Ream must have paid a fortune to have their hair done before they went to the Twinsburg event。在来参加特温斯堡的活动前,蕾切尔和阿丽莎肯定花了一大笔钱来做头发。
Brooke Allen and her twin Mallorie look ethereal in this artistic shot from the 40th annual Twins Days。在双胞胎节40周年的活动上,布鲁克·艾伦和她的双胞胎姐妹玛罗琳·艾伦的这张艺术照雅致飘仙。
James and Charles Johnson, 33, chill out in shorts and sneakers as they take a break from the crowds.33岁的詹姆斯·约翰逊和查尔斯·约翰逊穿着清凉的短裤和运动鞋在人群中稍作休息。
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