A group of ants have turned the Indonesian jungle into their very gym。一群蚂蚁已经把印度尼西亚丛林变成了他们特有的健身房。
Astonishing close-up photographs show the insects carrying seeds, which weigh many times their own body weight, back to the nest。惊人的照片特写展示的就是这些昆虫将种子搬回巢穴,种子的重量是他们自身体重的几倍。
Suspended from a thin branch, they bite down on the Mimosa tree seeds as they scurry back home。他们倒挂在一根细细的枝丫上,一口咬下含羞草的种子,然后匆匆赶回巢穴。
At several points, the ants are seen creating elaborate three-tier formations that would put expert circus performers to shame。从某些角度可以看到这些蚂蚁正费心摆出三层造型,令专业的马戏团演员都会感到汗颜。
When the ants are confronted by a massive white spider - relatively speaking - they appear to gang up for protection against the arachnid。这些蚂蚁碰上了一只巨型白蜘蛛——相对于蚂蚁来说——他们貌似要联合起来做保护,对付这只蜘蛛。
This feat of strength and teamwork cannot be seen by the naked eye. Eko Adiyanto, the Indonesian photographer who captured the ants on camera, need to get up close and personal using what is known as 'macro photography' techniques。这样的力量和团队合作的壮举肉眼是看不见的。印度尼西亚的摄影师艾科·阿迪炎图用相机拍到的这些蚂蚁,他需要近距离使用特有的被称为“微距摄影”的技术。
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