From Boy Scouts on a hike to children playing on a beach, this wonderful set of photographs captures British life almost a century ago。从远足途中的童子军到沙滩上玩耍的孩子们,这组美丽的图片抓拍了将近100年前的英伦生活。
They were taken by Clifton R. Adams, who was sent to England by National Geographic magazine to photograph life in the country. Mr Adams, who died in 1934 aged just 44, had instructions to record its farms, towns and cities, and its residents at work and play。这组图片的创作者是克里夫顿·R·亚当,彼时国家地理杂志派他去英国拍摄乡村生活。杂志社对他的要求是,记录乡村地区的农场,小镇和小城景观,拍下劳作和玩耍中的居民。亚当先生在1934年就去世了,年仅44岁。
He took the images in colour using Autochrome Lumière, which was the most advanced colour photographic process of the day。亚当先生采用了当时最先进的彩色摄影技术——奥托克罗姆微粒彩屏干板彩色摄影技术来拍摄这组图片。
1. Life's a beach: Children play on the sand near Yarmouth, a popular destination for holidaymakers on the Isle of Wight in 1928.海滩生活:1928年,孩子们在雅茅斯附近的沙滩上玩耍——这是怀特岛上的一个著名度假胜地。
2. You've got mail: Two girls send a letter at a red pillar box in Belfast in 1927 (right), while a woman is seen on the Isle of Wight in 1928 (left)。收信啦:1927年,在贝尔法斯特,两个女孩在一个红色信箱中投了一封信(右图);(左图)则是1928年莱特岛上的一位英伦女子(投信)。
3. Work in the fields: A police constable passes the day with farmers gathering hay in Lancashire in November。田间劳作:(1928年)11月,兰开夏郡,几个农民在堆稻草,而一位巡警和他们有一搭没一搭的聊天。
4. What a view: Locals enjoy the view of the Surrey Hills, in 1928, which was designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1958.良辰美景:1928年,本地居民欣赏着萨里山的美景。该地在1958年被选为英国自然盛景之一。
5. Off to work: An informal portrait of a farmer and his cart in the small town of Crowland in Lincolnshire in 1928.去干活啦:这是1928年在林肯郡克洛兰的一个小镇,一位农民和他的小车的随手特写。
6. Veteran soldiers - known as Chelsea Pensioners - sit on the steps of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London in 1928.1928,经验丰富的老兵(他们被通称为“切尔西退休军官”)坐在伦敦切尔西皇家医院的台阶上。
7. Congestion: A policeman directs buses at the intersection of Trafalgar Square in the centre of London in 1929.堵车:1929年,在伦敦中西地区特拉法加广场广场上,一名警察在十字路口上指挥着穿行的公交车。
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