
2015年09月01日13:53  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青
男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青 男记者来中国体验坐月子:肠子悔青

  'In the next 24 hours you will experience a typical Chinese new mother's life after delivery,' reads the letter I am handed as I arrive in a nondescript seventh-floor flat in west Shanghai。“在接下来的24小时里,你将体验到一位中国母亲刚生产后的生活感受。”当我来到上海浦西,走进一幢毫无特色的七层居民楼时,我收到这样一封信。

  As I step into a small, sparsely furnished bedroom, Jane Jiang, my friendly host, introduces me to a lactation consultant in a medical-style dress named Zhiyi. 我走进一间狭小而装潢简陋的寝室,招待我的主人简·蒋热情的迎接我,并将我介绍给一位身着医护制服的哺乳顾问,她的名字叫知易(音译)。

  Two plastic baby dolls bearing mildly demonic grins are lying on the bed next to a maternity bra and two pink, jelly-like half-spheres. I'd say they are probably C-cups。在室内的床上放着两个塑料婴儿玩偶,它们咧嘴一笑,笑容温和又魔性。它们旁边是一个孕妇乳罩,还有两个粉红色的半球胶状物。我猜它们一定是C罩杯。

  'Please put on your breasts, bra and pyjamas and lie down,' says Mrs Jiang, founder of Zhaimom, an online hub that offers consultancy services for new mothers. “请戴上你的假乳和乳罩,穿上睡衣,在床上躺下。”“宅妈妈”的创始人蒋小姐说道。“宅妈妈”是一个专门为初为人母的菜鸟妈妈提供咨询服务的网上社区。

  1.Gruelling: MailOnline man Jamie Fullerton (pictured) is strapped on two fake silica gel breasts as he feeds to baby dolls on the bed in China's bizarre 'Mr Mommy' experience。图:煎熬——《每日邮报》记者杰米·富勒顿来到中国体验“月子奶爸”的奇囧经历,图为他躺在床上,系着一对硅胶假乳,给两个婴儿玩偶哺乳。

  2.Childbirth: Clamps are also attached to the men's stomachs (pictured) to 'help them understand' the excruciating pain of childbirth。分娩:为了“帮助男人理解”分娩的剧痛,蒋小姐会在男士的腹部(如图)夹上许多夹子。

  3.The course organisers made it very clear to Jamie (pictured) that it is not designed to be fun, but to help men experience some of the very serious conditions associated with childbirth, which men often misunderstand in China。这项体验课程的设计者明确的告诉杰米(如图),这趟体验的目的不是消遣,而是帮助男人对女性生产的艰辛过程了解一二,在中国,许多男人往往对此知之甚少。

  4.Nappy change: The fake, plastic babies were smothered with a mixture of soy sauce and flour to simulate the mess made by real ones。换尿布:蒋小姐还在塑料玩偶身上涂抹了用酱油和面粉混合而成的特殊混合物,用以模拟婴儿便便的真实情况 。

  5.Bedridden: Jamie (left) took the 24-hour course, but the full one requires men to stay indoors for ten whole days, in line with Chinese tradition。长期卧床:杰米(左图)的体验课程只持续了24小时,而整个课程则要求男性不外出长达整整十天,与中国传统“坐月子”的时间相同。

  6.Meal time: Jamie's reward for suffering the pain of the clamps was a bowl of brown Chinese-style porridge (pictured)。开饭啦:深受衣夹夹腹之痛的奖赏是,杰米得到了一碗中式的小米粥(如图)。

  7.Treat: Jamie's 24-hour experience was designed to reflect a few days of motherhood, so he was allowed solid food for lunch - which in this case was pigs' trotters in watery soup。美食恩赐:杰米为期24小时体验课程的设计目的是管窥坐月子过程的一小部分,所以他被允许午餐吃固体食物——在此个案中,他得到了一碗猪蹄汤。

  8.Last supper: For dinner, at around 7.30pm, Jamie tucked into red bean soup before a sleepless night of screaming babies。最后的晚餐:大约晚上7点半的时候,杰米开始吃晚餐,他大口吞下了一碗红豆粥,准备着一夜无眠应付哭叫婴儿的苦战。


文章关键词: 双语中国坐月子

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