
2015年09月21日14:34  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Admit it: you hate cleaning.I do too. I hate getting all grubby just to make my house look good for about 10 hours before the kids or my dog ruin it all over again.But it house cleaning doesn’t have to be that hard.Not when you have brilliant hacks like these to rely on。还是承认吧:你不喜欢搞卫生!我也是。我不喜欢收拾家里的垃圾,保持10小时的整洁,然后小屁孩或狗狗一进屋,全部又乱七八糟!但其实做家务也不一定很烦人。要是你实用下面这些小妙招,家务活就轻松多啦!

  1.Clean your grill with a raw onion 1.用生洋葱清理烤架

  Here’s how: grab a raw onion with a fork.Rub it on the grill grate while the grill is still hot.Your grill is now clean! (Plus, it has a nice onion flavor for your next meal)。步骤如下:用叉子戳洋葱。趁烤架还热,拿用洋葱摩擦烤架格子。最后烤架就能清理干净啦!而且下次烤肉还会有一股洋葱味儿!

  2.Use a piece of bread to pick up tiny pieces of broken glass 2.用切片面包收拾玻璃渣

  Fresh bread works best as it is juicy enough to mop up even the tiniest shards of glass。新鲜面包的水分足,哪怕再小的玻璃渣都能抹得干干净净。

  3.Remove dirty rings from the bathtub with grapefruit and salt 3.用西柚和盐来清理浴缸水痕

  Cut a grapefruit in half and sprinkle some salt on it. Scrub the bathtub with the fruit. The dirt will come right off, thanks to the acid in the grapefruit。西柚切半撒盐。然后擦洗浴缸。由于西柚的果酸成分,脏脏的水渍立马就能消失不见。

  4.Use a hair dryer to remove water rings from wood4.用吹风机吹干木头水痕

  Soak up all the moisture from water ring with a paper towel. Then, when the towel is still damp, run a hair dryer on it. The rings will go right away。先用纸巾吸干水分,趁着纸巾还潮湿的时候,拿吹风机对着湿纸巾吹,木头上的水痕就会拜拜。

  5.Microwave wet sponges to kill germs5.用微波炉祛除海绵上的细菌

  Just take your wet sponge and spin them in the microwave for 2 minutes. You’ll kill 99% of all germs。淋湿海绵,放在微波炉里转2分钟,海绵上99%的细菌就都被杀死啦!

  6.Crumble newspaper inside wet shoes to dry them out 6.湿鞋子里面塞报纸团,干得快。

  7.Remove grease stains with white chalk 7.用白粉笔祛除油脂污迹

  When you see a grease stain on your favorite clothing, cover it with white chalk. Let it rest for some time. Then wipe the chalk right away – along with the stain。如果心爱的衣服沾上了油脂,那就放一只白粉笔在上面,过一会儿,粉笔会把油脂吸走。

  8.Use baking soda to clean coffee grinders 8.用小苏打清理咖啡渍

  Coffee grinders are notoriously difficult to clean. One solution is to grind 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the gadget。咖啡渍向来不易清理,如果洗杯子时加一勺小苏打,问题就解决啦!

  9.A magical solution to get rid of mysterious carpet stains9.妙招祛除地毯不明污迹

  Fill up a spray bottle with two parts of water and one part of vinegar. Spray this solution onto the carpet stain. Place a damp rag on top, then iron over it。喷雾瓶按2:1的比例混合上水和醋,然后把醋水喷在污迹上,再盖上一层湿布,熨一下,搞定!

  10.Use ammonia to clean an oven10.用氨水清理烤箱

  Fill up a bowl with 1/2 cup of ammonia. Leave this bowl inside a cold oven (do NOT turn it on) overnight. In the morning, just wipe away the grease with a wet cloth – it will come right off. 碗里装一半氨水,放在未加热的烤箱内过夜。隔天只要拿湿抹布擦拭,脏东西就会消失!


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