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Lesson 4 课文练习

I. Think, Hope and Be Afraid (Questions & Answers)

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Teacher: I hope it won't rain today. S.1: Do you think it will?
S.2: I hope it won't.
Teacher: I'm afraid I wrote the wrong address. S.3: Do you think you wrote the wrong address?
S.4: I'm afraid I did.
Teacher: I hope she knows we're here. S.5: Do you think she knows we're here?
S.6: I hope she does.
1. I'm afraid we're going to be late.
2. I hope my teacher forgot about the test.
3. I'm afraid they will have to wait.
4. I hope Sam didn't go to play pool.
5. I'm afraid they can't start their old car.
6. I hope they could get reservations.
7. I'm afraid he must have got caught in traffic.
8. I hope we've brought enough money.
9. I hope her husband will treat her well.
10. I'm afraid this answer isn't right.
II. Just Like, The Same As and Alike
A.Just Like, The Same Way As and Alike

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Teacher: behave

S.1: Judy behaves just like Ruby.
S.2: You mean Judy behaves the same way as Ruby?
S.1: That's right. They behave exactly alike.
Teacher: think

S.3: Judy thinks just like Ruby.
S.4: You mean Judy thinks the same way as Ruby?
S.3: That's right. They think exactly alike.
1. cry
→ Judy cries just like Ruby.
2. smile
→ Judy smiles just like Ruby.
3. move
→ Judy moves just like Ruby.
4. sit
→ Judy sits just like Ruby.
5. walk
→ Judy walks just like Ruby.
B.The Same As

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Teacher: interests

S.1: Judy's interests are the same as Ruby's.

S.2: You mean Judy has the same interests as Ruby?
S.1: That's right.
Teacher: personality

S.1: Judy's personality is the same as Ruby's.

S.2: You mean Judy has the same personality as Ruby?
S.1: That's right.
1. taste in music
→ Judy's taste in music is the same as Ruby's.
2. talent in art
→ Judy's talent in art is the same as Ruby's.
3. favorite TV program
→ Judy's favorite TV programs are the same as Ruby's.
4. temper
→ Judy's temper is the same as Ruby's.
5. sense of humor
→ Judy's sense of humor is the same as Ruby's.
III. Like, Similar To and Different From
A.. Like and Similar To (Transformation)

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Teacher: Jon - his father S.1: Jon is like his father.
S.2: Jon is similar to his father.
S.3: Jon and his father are similar.
Teacher: my apartment - yours S.1: My apartment's like yours.
S.2: My apartment's similar to yours.
S.3: Our apartments are similar.
1. your parents - mine
2. beer - ale
3. Spain - Portugal
4. Your handwriting - mine
5. rugby - football
B.Different From (Transformation)

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Teacher: Jon - his sister, Judy S.1: Jon isn't like his sister, Judy.
S.2: Jon's different from his sister, Judy.
S.3: Jon and his sister, Judy, ane different.
Teacher: your motorcycle - mine S.4: Your motorcycle isn't like mine.
S.5: Your motorcycle is different from mine.
S.6: Our motorcycles are different.
1. New Yorkers - Texans
2. English - German
3. records - cassettes
4. biology - chemistry
5. fast food - home cooking
IV. Superlative Forms: Picture

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1. S.1: Which of the three boys rides the most carefully? S.2: The most careful rider of the three is Ken.

2. S.3: Which of the three boys swims the fastest? S.4: The fastest swimmer of the three is Ken.

3. Which of the three boys types the best?

4. Which of the three boys reads the most quickly?

5. Which of the three boys plays golf the worst?

6. Which of the three boys eats the most slowly?

7. Which of the three boys speaks Spanish the most fluently?

8. Which of the three boys writes the most neatly?

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