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Lesson 4 文法篇 暂停 播放全部

1.表主观想法的think,hope和be afraid 前面介绍了hope和be afraid的用法,本课再加上think。这几个字词是口语中经常出现的字眼,甚至可以说有点成了开口不离的口头禅,无论如何,这些动词的用意主要在表达说话者主观的想法。
I hope it won't rain today.我希望今天不要下雨。
I think it won't rain today. 我想今天不会下雨。
I'm afraid it won't rain today. 恐怕今天不会下雨。
I hope she knows we're here. 我希望她知道我们在这儿。
I think she knows we're here. 我想她知道我们在这儿。
I'm afraid she knows we're here. 恐怕她知道我们在这儿。
I'm afraid this check isn't right. 恐怕这张支票不对。
I think this check isn't right. 我想这张支票不对。
I hope this check isn't right. 我想这张支票不对。
2.Just like/the same way as /alike的用法 Just like是like的加强语气用法,like在此可视为介词,接受词。Just like 或like可用the same way as代替,但as有连接词的作用,后面接省略部分字词的子句。另一个意思相似的字是alike「相像的」,alike在本课作副词,通常单纯修饰动词。
Judy behaves just like Ruby.朱蒂的行径就像露比一样。
Judy behaves the same way as Ruby.朱蒂行为像露比。
Judy and Ruby behave alike.朱蒂和露比行为相似。
Jen thinks just like Ruby.珍的想法就像露比一样。
Jen thinks the same way as Ruby. 珍的想法如同露比。
Jen and Ruby think alike.珍和露比想法相似。
3.The same as的用法 The same as是指「类似……」,as是连接词,但它后面的子句常用省略型式。
Judy's interests are the same as Ruby's. 朱蒂和露比兴趣相似。
Jack's personality is the same as Larry's.
Jack has the same personality as Larry. 杰克和赖利个性相似。 本句型需注意的是:the same as前后互相比较的名词必须同类,即Judy's interests要与Ruby's(interests)比较,不能跟Ruby本人比较。
4.Like/similar to/different from Like可用similar to代替,但不可忘了加to。相反词为different from。
My apartment's like theirs.
My apartment's similar to theirs. 我的公寓跟他们的很像。
Your handwriting's like mine.
Your handwriting's similar to mine. 你的字跟我的很像。
Your motorbike isn't like mine.
Your motorbike is different from mine.
Your motorbike and mine are different. 你的摩托车跟我的不一样。
Judy has the same interests as Ruby. 朱蒂和露比兴趣相似。

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