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Lesson 4  听力会话
Going for Tex-Mex Food

Bob Ennis has graduated from college and now lives with two of his old classmates. They share an apartment in BelAir, a suburb. Because they aren't married, they have to do everything themselves-the cleaning, the laundry and even the cooking. Usually, on Saturdays, they go out to a restaurant. Right now Bob's making plans with one of his roommates, Sara. Sara has a date with her boyfriend, and Bob has a date with his girlfriend. They are thinking about a place for the four of them to eat.

Bob: Well Sara, I'm really getting tired of eating the same food all the time. You know, pizza, hamburgers, steaks…
Sara: Yeah, one week is like another. But I take it there's a new place on the Boulevard.
Bob: Really? I haven't heard. What is it?
Sara: I've never been there, but a colleague says it's one of the most interesting restaurants in BelAir. It's "The TexMex."
Bob: TexMex? I presume from the name it's half Texan and half Mexican?
Sara: Right on. But it's mixed. I mean the food isn't as spicy as Mexican but in some ways it's similar.
Bob: I don't understand.
Sara: Well, they make some things such as guacamole the same way as the Mexicans but then their vegetables are different. They're similar to American ones.
Bob: And I guess they have Texas beef and chicken and…
Sara: And tacos and enchiladas.
Bob: Actually, I do remember reading that Tex-Mex food has become quite popular. But I'm afraid it might be very expensive for the four of us.
Sara: No, it's not that bad. I understand they have a salad bar and you can eat as much as you want.
Bob: Oh, that's just like the American style. And, how's the atmosphere?
Sara: Don't worry. It's more romantic than a fast food restaurant and probably much more enjoyable.
Bob: I hope it is. Let's get ready and go try it.
Sara: I imagine I'll be ready before you-as usual!

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