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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/29 14:53  北航出版社


  例1: Grace tears when she heard the sad news.

  A. broke in B. broke into C. broke off D. broke through

  [答案] B. break into

  [注释] break into(=give sudden utterance to)突然说出,突然发出: breaksintostears突然哭起来。breaksintoscheers爆发出欢呼声, breaksintossong突然唱起来。此处, break into相当于burst into,例如: burstsintoslaugher大笑起来, burstsintostears大哭起来, burstsintosblossom开花了(指树木)。


  例2: She refused to the car keys to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt.

  A. hand in B. hand out C. hand down D. hand over

  [答案] D. hand over

  [注释] hand over(=yield control of, transfer)交出,移交: He will hand over charge of his office tomorrow.(他将于明天移交办公室工作。)


  例3: Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes to American audiences.

  A. around B. over C. across D. down

  [答案] C. across

  [注释] get sth. across to sb.(=make sth. clear to sb.)把……向某人讲清楚: He has got his meaning across to the audience. (他已把他的意思向听众讲清楚。)


  例4: Bob was completely by the robber's disguise.

  A. taken away B. taken down C. taken to D. taken in

  [答案] D. taken in

  [注释] be taken in(=be deceived, cheated)受骗: I was nearly taken in by the false banknote.(我差点被这张假钞票给骗了。)


  例5: Difficulties and hardships have the best qualities of the young geologist.

  A. brought out B. brought about C. brought forth D. brought up

  [答案] A. brought out

  [注释] bring out(=call forth a quality)唤起,引起(某种品质): This kind of work brings out the best in him. (这种工作最能使他发挥潜力。)bring forth(=produce)产生; (=give rise to)引起; (=bring forward)提出。bring about (=produce, cause ... to take place)使……产生。bring up(=rear, educate)抚养,培养。


  例6: The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to the investment plan within a week.

  A. work out B. put out C. make out  D. set out

  [答案] A. work out

  [注释] work out(=develop, devise, arrange)制订,设计: 1) Alice worked out a new hairdo. (=Alice developed a new hairstyle.) 2) The engineers worked out a system for getting electricity to the factory. make out辨认,明白,开写。put out扑灭。set out出发,摆出,着手。


  例7: Richard doesn't think he could ever what is called "freestyle" poetry.

  A. take on B. take over C. take to D. take after

  [答案] C. take to

  [注释] take to(=to begin the work or job of; make a habit of)开始从事;养成(某习惯);沉湎于: 1) He took to repairing watches in his spare time.2) Grandfather took to smoking cigars when he was young and he still smokes them.3) She took to knitting when she got older. take on呈现,承担。take over接替,接管。take after (外表)像。


  例8: Will you this passage to see if there is any misprint?

  A. look up  B. go over C. dwell on D. work out

  [答案] B. go over

  [注释] go over(=check, inspect, examine)核对,检查,查看: We'd like to go over the house before deciding to rent it. (我们先看一下房子再决定是否租它。) dwell on一直考虑,详细论述。look up (a word)查阅(生词)。


  例9: If we believe something is good and true we should to it.

  A. hold up B. keep on C. hold on D. keep up

  [答案] C. hold on

  [注释] hold on to坚持,不放弃:We must always hold on to the MarxistLeninist principles.


  例10: A real powerful speaker can the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.

  A. work out  B. work over C. work at D. work up

  [答案] D. work up

  [注释] work up(=stir up, rouse, excite)激起,鼓起: I can't work up any interest in this book. (=I can't make myself be interested in this book.)〔DAI〕


  例11: All the information we have collected in relation to that case very little.

  A. makes up for B. adds up to C. comes up with D. puts up with

  [答案] B. adds up to

  [注释] add up to(=give as a result when joined together)加起来的总数,总数达:The money he spent added up to more than$200. make up for弥补,补偿。come up with提出。put up with忍受。


  例12: We cannot always the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be driven by water.

  A. hang onB. count onC. hold onD. come on

  [答案] B. count on

  [注释] count on(=rely on or expect with confidence)依赖,指望: Don't count on others' help, do it on your own. hang on握紧,坚持。hold on(打电话时要对方)不要挂断,继续。come on开始。


  例13: More than two hundred years ago the United States from the British Empire and became an independent country.

  A. got offB. pulled downC. broke awayD. dropped off

  [答案] C. broke away

  [注释] break away from (=get quit of, secede from)摆脱,从……退出: The state has broken away from the union.(这个州已从联邦退出。)get off下车; pull down拉下,拆毁; drop off(数量上)减少,(质量上)降低。

  [译文] 200多年以前美国脱离了大英帝国并成为一个独立的国家。

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