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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新浪教育合作媒体特色解读(第三期) > 正文


http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/16 17:54  空中美语

  Leading the Way(上)

  In December 1914, the ship Endurance sailed away from South Georgia Island, the final outpost of civilization before the vast emptiness of Antarctica. Through the strong winds and freezing rain, Captain Ernest Shackleton shouted orders to his crew. During those times, in an early version of the space race, coun
tries were competing to penetrate the last unexplored places on earth. Shackleton hoped to win glory for himself and England by leading the first expedition to cross Antarctica by land.

  The true story of how Shackleton and his crew of 27 men survived nearly two years stranded in Antarctica is described in Alfred Lansing’s 1959 book, Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage. Weeks after departing South Georgia Island, Endurance became trapped in the pack ice of the Weddell Sea. The crew worked like dogs to cut passages through the ice so the ship could reach open water, but they could not break free. Shackleton calmly informed his men that they would spend the winter locked in the ice.


  1.civilization n. mankind and its creations文明;文明世界

  Mesopotamia was the world’s first civilization.


  2.crew n. the group of people who sail a boat, fly a plane, etc.全体船员;一队(组)工作人员

  As we were getting off the airplane, each member of the crew thanked us for flying with them.


  3.penetrate v. to enter; to pass through进入;穿过

  They walked for weeks but never penetrated the heart of the jungle.


  4.depart v. to leave离开;离去

  Your flight will depart Chiang Kai-shek International Airport at eleven o’clock.


  5.trap v. to seize and confine困住……;使……陷入困境

  Trapped inside of a barn which was surrounded by police, the bank robber decided to give up.


  6.inform v. to tell告知;通知

  Our landlord is angry because we didn’t inform him that we have a dog.


  More Information

  1.outpost n.指尚有人烟的偏远地区

  2.Antarctica n.南极洲

  3.expedition n.远征队;探险队

  4.strand v. (船、鲸、鱼等)搁浅

  5.pack ice n.大片浮冰;浮冰群



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