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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/05 16:44 新浪教育 |
政府与机构 A、政府部门 Min.of Economic Affairs www.minez.nl Min.of Finance www.minfin.nl Min.of Education,Culture&Science www.minocw.nl Min.of Transport, Public Works&Water www.minvenw.nl Min.of Housing,Spatial Planning&Environment www.minvrom.nl Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency www.hollandtrade.com Min.of Health,Welfare&Sport www.minvws.nl B、经济贸易 Statistics Netherlands www.dbs.nl The Yachting Sector www.dataplace.nl Holland Yachting Industry www.hiswa-export.nl The Dutch Central Bank(De Nederlandsche Bank) www.dnb.nl Chamber of Commerce www.kvk.nl Schiphol Airport www.schiphol.nl The Port of Rotterdam www.port.rotterdam.nl The Holland Distribution Council www.hidc.nl The Port of Amsterdam www.porttofamsterdam.com Nedlloy and Shipping www.nedlloyd.com Cargoweb www.cargoweb.nl Nederlands Convention www.nlcongress.nl RAI Exhibition Center www.rai.nl Trade Fair in the City of Utrecht www.jaarbeursutrecht.nl MECC Maastricht www.meccmaastricht.nl C、财政税务 Dutch State Treasury www.dutchstate.nl The Netherlands, European Monetary Union and Euro www.euro.nl Taxation in the Netherlands www.minfin.nl D、银行 Dutch Central Bank www.dnb.nl Generale Bank Nederland www.gbank.nl ABN AMRO Bank www.abnamro.nl Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten www.bng.nl RaboBank www.rabobank.nl PostBank www.postbank.nl Friesland Bank www.friba.nl ING Bank www.ingbank.nl Grens Wissel Kantoren(GWK) www.gwk.nl ING Groep www.ing.nl E .荷兰高等教育 荷兰高等教育国际交流协会NUFFIC www.nuffic.nl 荷兰高等教育国际交流协会北京办事处NESO-Beijing www.nesobeijing.com 其它 荷兰铁路时刻表 www.ns.nl/reisplan2.asp 荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际机场时刻表 www.oag.com/tt/airports/ams/index.htm 荷兰电视广播节目预报 www.tvgids.nl 荷兰公共交通时刻表 www.ovr.nl/cgi-bin/ovi/vraag 荷兰天气预报 www.weeronline.nl 荷兰旅游观光局 www.visitholland.com 荷兰皇家航空公司 www.klm.nl 电话黄页 www.detelefoongids.com 荷兰搜索类网站一 www.search.nl 荷兰搜索类网站二 www.vinden.nl 荷兰搜索类网站三 www.zoek.nl |