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What Glass Ceiling? 女性的职场限制

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/14 18:40  视听英语Ladder AI杂志


It’s never easy, but women in high-tech are moving to the top



  Do you know Meg Whitman? Even if you've never heard of her, you probably know her company: eBay, one of the most popular sites on the Internet. How abou
t Carly Fiorina? She's the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, one of the world's largest computer makers. Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women. And other female executives are in a position to take the reins at other major companies, such as Oracle and Intel.


  Some people say that women are practically taking over the high-tech industry. Could it be true?


  Not quite. Only seven of the 500 largest companies are run by women. Yet most of those are high-tech companies. It's an industry that has been especially good to women for several reasons.


  Firstly, high-tech is a new industry, and as such, it doesn't always play by the same old rules. It first gained ground in California's Silicon Valley, a relatively liberal climate, and therefore more accepting of female executives. Most importantly, the high-tech industry, because it is new, has no "old-boy network." Without family and networking connections, the industry has relied on individual results to determine promotions. In other words, a person's success in high-tech depends on his or her work performance - not on family or golfing buddies.


  It's still not easy for women. In order for them to succeed in business, they have often had to behave like men; this has earned these tough businesswomen a lot of enemies. Every time a female CEO fails, she is bound to receive plenty of bad publicity. But now that the glass ceiling has been broken in the high-tech industry, the sky may be the limit for female executives.


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