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好友大集合 Friends of Friends

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/17 10:55  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  New online tools promise to take the “work” out of “social work”


  Back in 1967, social psychologist Stanley Milgram had an idea. Everybody knows at least a few other people, he reasoned, and those people know other peo
ple. Therefore, just going through the people you know, you should be able to contact any person on earth.


  Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to random acquaintances, asking them to pass the letter on through their friends to an unknown person. His experiments, confirmed later with email tests, showed that we’re all connected by no more than “six degrees of separation.” That is, you can reach any person in the world through a chain of six people.


  It might be comforting to know that your friend’s friend’s friend’s friend’s friend knows Bill Gates or Jennifer Lopez, but it’s not really that useful. Tracing the chain is time-consuming and inconvenient.


  But that’s changing now, thanks to the development of online databases. While many people use their PCs to keep track of their contacts and address books, new services like Friendster and Spoke combine those address books together. This way you’re not only in touch with your own friends, but with their friends and their friends’ friends. Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo? Going to Paris for the weekend and looking for someone to have dinner with? Just check the Friendster files – there’s sure to be a friend of a friend of a friend in there.


  So what’s the catch? If you want to use Friendster or similar services, you need to build a profile including your real name, where you work, your job, where you went to school and who your friends are. This lack of anonymity might seem likely to scare users off, but apparently people are hungry for contact with real people: in less than nine months, Friendster has already signed up over four million users.



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