WESTKING面试难题妙答系列(五) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/07 00:43 新浪教育 |
1,Do you remember what attracted you to the ad for this position? 提问目的:了解应聘者的应聘动机。 回答技巧:组织语言。迅速将自己技能,经验与应聘职位结合起来的最好时机。要给人你申请这个职位是经过深思熟虑,千挑百选后的结果。 回答范例 I approach my job hunting strategy pretty much like I approach my work. I took some time to think about the skills I want to use on my next job, the industry I’d like to work for and the location I want. I did some research on companies that were advertising and knew this company had the qualities I am looking for in my career and future. 2,Tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss. 提问目的:行为面试法的典型问题。了解应聘者与同事和上司的处事方式。 回答技巧:与上司和同事的沟通能力是所有面试官首先要考虑的。尤其是在有利益或者矛盾的时候。因此应该着力强调自己的沟通能力。 回答范例 I did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves because her lack of follow-through was affecting my work. I kept getting her work, because she wouldn't finish the details. I asked her if I could talk with her one day, and we had a good discussion. It turned out she was not aware of the impact of her actions and that she really needed to have someone explain the procedure to her. We worked out an agreement so that I wouldn't be getting her work. There haven't been any problems since that day, and we get along quite well. 3,Give me an example of when you've done more than your job required. 提问目的: 考察应聘者预先对职业目标计划的执行态度。 回答技巧:不但要把自己描述成称职的员工,还要把自己定义为能够给公司带来附加职的员工。 回答范例 Even though my boss and I set goals at the beginning of each year, I attempt to go beyond what is expected of me. I can give you an example of a time when I saw a problem with the way we were processing vouchers and came up with a system that I thought would improve the process. I came up with a way we could do them online -- cutting down on paperwork and time. I showed my boss, and she really liked the idea. In fact, she showed her boss, and it was incorporated into the company's process. 4,What was the most difficult assignment you have completed using your computer skills? 提问目的: 了解考察应聘者运用计算机技能对日常工作的处理能力。 回答技巧:1,要列出assignment难的核心,2,要突出自己的计算机处理能力。必要时要不惜描述细节。让面试者觉得你确实是好手。 回答范例 That would be a project that involved collecting data from several individuals. Each person had his or her idea of how the project should look, and I was the one that had to pull it together. There were graphics, charts and clip art involved. It took a lot of communication between all involved. I was the central point person and was responsible for pulling it together. I used a spreadsheet to track contributions and deadlines. The project turned out great, and I was treated to an appreciation dinner for my hard work. |