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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 18:03  新浪教育

  The WackyWorld of Inventions

  There’s no doubt about it. Some people have crazy ideas for inventions.

  Is it your job to clear the table of dirty dishes after dinner? Then you need a “dishwashing dinner table” There’s no need to clear away the mess —just flip the table over and wash the dishes right there.

  Believe it or not, someone really did come up with this mad invention! And there are many more ideas just as crazy as this one.






  clear away: remove sth. from a place. 移走

  mess: dirty condition. 脏乱

  flip: turn over or around. 翻转

  come up with: find or produce (a solution,etc.). 提出,想出

  Back to the Drawing Board

  Most inventors apply for a patent when they think they have a good idea. A patent is a legal document that proves who owns an invention. It stops other people from stealing an idea for twenty years. After that, anyone can use the idea. But the idea is only the beginning. Some ideas look good on paper... and that’s just where they stay. Would you want to use these three ideas that didn’t make it?



  patent: official document giving the holder the sole right to make, use or sell an invention for a set period of time. 专利

  propel: cause to move forward. 推进

  Ahead of Their Time

  Sometimes ideas for inventions sound crazy because they are ahead of their time. One communication idea that people thought was crazy when it first appeared is now used all over the world. The idea was the basis of the first fax machine, and it was invented way back in 1856.



  communication: the technology used in transmitting messages通讯技术

  way back: a long time ago. 很久以前

  pendulum: a body suspended so that it swings. 摆

  electrical circuit: the path through which electricity flows. 电流回路

  Giovanni Caselli, an Italian priest, invented a large, heavy machine that could send and receive an actual copy of written notes or pictures. His neighbours called him crazy. Some people thought he was using an evil form of magic. The French government did use the machine for a few years, but then it disappeared. Maybe it cost too much money. Or maybe it was just a good idea ahead of its time.


  priest: person performing religious duties in the Christian Church. 牧师; 神父

  impulse: an impelling force. 动力

  discolour: change the colour of sth. 使变色

  Bright Lights

  Patents can be granted on almost anything, from a flower to a rocket. And there’s no limit on how many patents one person can hold. One very busy inventor was Thomas Edison. With his team of workers, he invented an electric light bulb, the phonograph and movie cameras. In all, he took out 1,093 patents ?the world record!

  Edison also liked a good joke. He was very famous and everything he did and said was news. He liked to give reporters interesting things to write about. In 1920 he told a reporter that he was working on a machine that could talk to the dead. Newspapers all over the world reported the story. A few years later, Edison admitted he had made it up!




  light bulb: an electric light. 白炽灯

  phonograph: the early name for record player. 留声机(早期的录音机)

  make up: invent a story or a piece of information. 虚构;编造

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