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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 18:03  新浪教育

  How Did They Think of That?

  It’s gooey like rubber. It bounces and it stretches. Play with it, or use it to take dog hair off the furniture. It’s Silly Putty.

  The name is a bit of a giveaway because, just as it sounds, Silly Putty wasn’t invented on purpose! It was the stuff left over after engineers worked with other materials. No one knew what to do with it, until someone realised you could do a lot with it!

  Some inventions are like that. Someone think
s of a new way to use something that has been around for a long time.





  gooey: sticky. 粘的

  bounce: spring back after hitting a surface. 弹起

  stretch: be elastic. 有弹性(张力)

  giveaway: sth. given away at no charge. 赠品

  Hooping It Up

  As long ago as 1,000 BC, children in ancient Greece and Rome played with hoops made from vines. In colonial days in America, children rolled hoops along the streets, guiding them with sticks. Australian children used bamboo hoops in sports classes at school. But in 1957 the idea was taken one step further. That was the year the Hula Hoop, a hollow plastic hoop, appeared in stores.

  This hoopy toy became a huge success. People held contests to see who could twirl the most hoops around their waists, arms, wrists, legs, feet ?even around their heads and necks. But the company that made them was not able to get a patent for such an ancient idea. So soon others were making Spin-a-Hoops and Hoop-d-dos. It is estimated that between 60 and 100 million hoops were sold in two years!




  vine: a weak-stemmed plant. 藤

  contest: a competition. 竞赛

  twirl: twist or wind around. 缠绕

  estimate: calculate. 推测;估计

  Great Big Copycats?

  Some inventions mirror things in the natural world. Nature has given inventors big clues about how to make their inventions work.

  When George de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, went for a walk in 1948 he had a close encounter with a burdock plant. After brushing against the plant, he realised that his clothes were covered with spiny burrs. As he removed the clinging burrs, he saw that they were covered in hundreds of small hooks. Then he had an idea...




  clue: sth. that helps you to find an answer. 线索

  encounter: a meeting. 相遇

  burdock: plant having pink flower heads. 牛蒡

  burr: the rough case around the seeds of some plants. 果刺

  After eight years of experimenting, he finally succeeded in making two nylon strips. One strip had lots of tiny loops and the other had tiny hooks. When the strips were pressed together, they stuck firmly. Today, Velcro has many practical uses ?and a few crazy ones like Velcro wall jumping!


  Velcro: a fastening tape. 尼龙刺粘搭链

  trampoline: a strong sheet attached with springs to a metal frame. 蹦床

  When One Thing Leads to Another

  Sometimes an idea that doesn’t work can lead to an idea that does. Levi Strauss didn’t set out to become the most famous maker of jeans in history, but that’s what happened.

  Strauss went to San Francisco in 1853 when the California gold rush was in full swing. He hoped to sell canvas to the prospectors so they could use this thick, sturdy material to make tents and wagon covers. But he made a mistake. Nobody wanted to buy his canvas.

  What the prospectors really needed was trousers. People worked hard in the goldfields and their trousers wore out quickly. So Levi Strauss made trousers out of the brown canvas he couldn’t sell. They quickly sold out. Then Strauss switched to a heavy blue fabric. Today, Levi’s blue jeans are worn in every country in the world.




  canvas: a heavy, closely woven fabric. 帆布

  prospector: person who searches for gold. 淘金者

  sturdy: stout. 耐用的

  wear out: be reduced to a useless state. 穿破

  switch: shift; transfer. 转变

  fabric: a cloth produced by weaving. 织物

  Pop! Goes the Invention

  Accidents happen... and they can lead to great ideas. Sometimes those ideas can stare you in the face —or send a message to your stomach. Other times it can be years before you realise you realise invented something pretty good.

  In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson mixed some flavour with water. By mistake, he left the drink outside all night —with the stirring stick still in it. It was a very cold night. In the morning, Frank saw that the drink had frozen to the stick. It tasted delicious!




  delicious: tasty. 可口的

  Eighteen years later, Frank remembered the frozen sticks. He applied for a patent and began to produce Epsicles. By now he had children of his own and they didn’t like the name. They changed it to Popsicles.


  Popsicle: a flavored ice confection with one stick for a handle. 冰棍

  grumpy: bad-tempered. 脾气暴躁的

  curl: twist into coils. 卷曲

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