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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 18:03  新浪教育

  Getting an Idea off the Ground

  The crowd was quiet. The wings felt strong on his back. He ran towards the edge of the cliff. Faster and faster ?his arms flapping...

  Daredevil or crazy? Who were these people trying to fly like birds? It took hundreds of years before people made it into the air.




  cliff: a high very steep face of rock. 悬崖

  daredevil: a person who is prepared to take risk. 冒失鬼

  An Ideas Man

  Leonardo da Vinci was a genius. He was a painter, a scholar and a scientist who lived in the 1400s. But his ideas were far ahead of the times in which he lived. He drew designs for amazing things people thought were impossible: bicycles, parachutes and the craziest of all —flying machines.

  Leonardo believed that humans would be able to fly in machines. He studied everything he could about birds. He drew plans for flapping wings attached to a person. He even designed a helicopter.

  Leonardo da Vinci was able to imagine what things could exist in the future. Who knows what fantastic ideas he might come up with if he was alive today?





  geniu: someone who has very high mental ability. 天才

  scholar: a person of great learning. 学者

  parachute: an apparatus made of cloth and is fastened to a person dropped from a plane to make him fall slowly. 降落伞

  helicopter: an aircraft with metal blades fixed on top. 直升飞机

  exist: be present. 存在

  fantastic: strange. 奇异的

  Flying High

  In 1782 two Frenchmen, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, made a balloon out of paper and cloth. Then they lit a fire beneath the balloon. The hot air rising from the fire pushed the balloon up into the sky. The Montgolfier brothers decided that the balloon was now ready for passengers. They must have been short on human volunteers because the first passengers were a sheep, a duck and a rooster!




  beneath: under. 在……下面

  volunteer: person who offers to do sth. for someone else. 志愿者

  survive: continue to live after a dangerous situation. 幸存

  In 1783, two other Frenchmen stepped forward and said they would take to the skies in a Montgolfier balloon. They stayed in the air for 25 minutes and travelled more than 8 kilometres. This balloon was the first successful flying craft to carry humans. Anything now seemed possible!


  The Wright Stuff

  Orville and Wilbur Wright wanted to fly. While they were at school, they read all about the theories of flight and built kites to see how they flew. They studied gliders, which had been invented in 1804, and wondered how they could improve them.

  They designed their own glider and added a 12-horsepower petrol engine to it. They called it The Flyer. In 1903, they tossed a coin on Kill Devil Hill in North Carolina to see who would fly the plane. Orville Wright won the toss and became the pilot of the first powered flight in history.

  Soon aircraft became better and faster, and aviators flew around the world. Suddenly the world seemed much smaller. People wondered where they could fly to next. Maybe to the moon?





  theory: the general principles of an art or science. 理论

  glider: motorless aeroplane using gravity or air current. 滑翔机

  improve: make better. 改进

  horsepower: a unit of measurement of power. 马力

  toss: flip coins to decidc an issue. 掷硬币决定某事

  pilot: person who operates an aircraft. 飞行员

  aviator: a pilot. 飞行员

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