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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  Its In the Genes


  by Barbara Eaglesham

  Sometimes an unfortunate event will have far-reaching positive consequences. When Austrian Johann Mendel’s father died, Johann could no longer afford to continue his studies in science at an advanced local school. Instead, in 1843 he entered a monastery that had a reputation as a center for scientific study. Here, he took the Christian name Gregor and began experimenting with crossing pea plants in the monas
tery garden.

  Mendel pollinated plants himself (before the insects could do so randomly), over and over, until offspring exactly resembled parents. Then he crossed plants with different traits -AA (red flowers) and bb (white flowers), for example. To his surprise, the first-generation plants looked like only one of the parents (red flowers-taking one trait from each parent, you get the combination Ab, which, mysteriously, looked like AA). Crossing these with each other (Ab×Ab) produced a mixture: 75 percent that looked like AA (red flowers-25 percent AA, 50 percent Ab) and 25 percent that looked like the lost parent, having white flowers (bb). Scientists of his day expected the first generation (Ab) to look like a blend of the two traits, instead of resembling just one parent.

  From this work, Mendel realized that traits had to be carried in something like a package-a gene. He also realized that each offspring received one unit of information (chromosome) from each parent. He concluded that just because a trait is passed down, it isn’t necessarily visible (it might not be expressed). His hard work and insight weren’t recognized in his lifetime, but he eventually came to be known as the “Father of Genetics.”

  We’ve learned a lot since then. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of cells, and there are 46 (23 pairs) in every one of ours. One chromosome of each pair comes from one of our parents, the other chromosome from the other parent. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is found in all chromosomes and carries the code of life. DNA is a double helix, shaped like a twisted ladder, whose rungs are made up of pairs of nitrogen base-molecules. There are four bases, called adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). They fit together like puzzle pieces: A with T and G with C. Just the way the arrangement of letters in language carries meaning, so does the order of the bases carry a code.





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