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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  From Genes to GMOs


  Today, genes can be isolated, identified, and cloned (copied over and over), then inserted into other organisms to alter their traits. The process is called genetic engineering. For this technology to develop, a few tools were necessary. In the 1970s, scientists isolated bacterial plasmids. These are hula-hoop-shaped double-stranded units of DNA that can be moved easily from one cell to another. They also discovered “scis
sors,” called restriction enzymes for cutting the DNA into predictable, reproducible patterns. These enzymes are used to “snip apart” plasmids at very specific DNA sequences, leaving free ends that can be rejoined as the scientist chooses. Restriction enzymes occur in bacteria as part of a natural defense mechanism to guard against invading viruses. Many different types are now available, each cutting DNA at a different sequence of base pairs.

  Once a plasmid is snipped open, a foreign piece of DNA, cut by the same enzyme scissors, can be taped, end to end, into the plasmid using another enzyme, DNA ligase. This is the glue that sticks all the pieces together. The new plasmid is inserted back into a cell, where numerous copies can be made. Introduction of specific genetic material into rapidly reproducing target bacteria can turn the cells into miniature factories for production of useful substances. For example, when the Exxon Valdez oil freighter ran aground in 1989 and spilled thirty-eight million liters of oil, oil-eating bacteria, created in just this manner, were used in the cleanup operation. The oil was broken down five times faster with help from the genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

  Plasmid technology has also been developed for moving targeted genetic material into plants. In this technique, scientists use the plasmid from a bacterium that causes tumors on plants. In nature, this bacterium transfers genetic material into plant tissues by releasing plasmids onto damaged plant cells. The plasmids enter the plant tissue and produce a swelling, or tumor. Because of this special ability to invade plant tissue, these tumor-inducing (TI) plasmids are now used routinely as “taxi cabs” to carry target genes into a wide variety of plant cells, including, for example, corn. The European corn borer is a common pest in this economically valuable crop. When pesticides are used against them, timing is critical. If sprayed too late, the corn borer will already have made a home inside the corn stem and will not be killed. CIBA Research was the first company to develop what has become commonly known as Bt corn. It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer. The Bt genes came from a bacterium called Bacillus thuring ensis . It produces a protein called Bt protoxin. When an insect larva eats these bacteria, the toxin contained in the bacterium attaches to the insect’s gut and makes holes in it, and the larva starves to death. Bt corn can be grown using less pesticide, and sometimes even no pesticide.


  一旦原生质被分开后,用同样限制酶剪开的外来的DNA片段和它的被分 开的那一端被粘到一起,形成了新的原生质。连接时使用的是另一种酶——DNA 连接酶。这种胶可以把所有的碎片粘到一起。新的原生质被插回细胞中,在那里可以进行多次复制。如果把特定的基因材料引入高速复制的目标细菌中,细胞就会变成生产有用物质的微型工厂。例如,当埃克森公司的瓦尔迪兹号油轮在1989年搁浅后,它泄露了3800万公升的油。用上述方法创造出的吃油的细菌被用于清理油污的行动。有了转基因生命体(GMOs)的帮助,油分解的速度提高了五倍。


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