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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/30 12:41  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Hangover Hell 宿醉地狱

  Never again? 不敢再喝酒了?

  “A regular hangover leaves you feeling like you’re going to die,” whispers Mike Fergis, a Vancouver college student, the morning after a long night out
. “A bad one leaves you wishing you would die.”

  For 6,000 years, people have been putting their drinking limits to the test, waking up the next morning to blinding headaches and promises of “never again.” Alcohol dehydrates the body, resulting in a lack of the fluid that usually surrounds the brain. So that horrible feeling in your head is actually your brain bumping against bone.

  Alcohol is also a form of poison, so your upset stomach is a sign that your body is reacting against what it sees as an attempt to kill it. Sugar worsens the effect, so sweet cocktails are well known for the unpleasant hangovers they produce.

  While there’s no shortage of old wives’ tales on how to prevent or cure a hangover, one of the most effective treatments (short of not drinking in the first place), is to drink lots of water. The rule of thumb is to drink six glasses of water for every glass of alcohol. This way, you’ll keep your body well hydrated and keep your brain where it belongs.

  In some countries, drugs are now available which claim to minimize the effects of a hangover. One, sold as RU-21, is also known by the nickname “KGB”, because it was supposedly developed to help Russian spies keep a clear head while drinking.

  Of course, one of the oldest hangover cures is to simply drink more alcohol, a practice which has resulted in one of the stranger English idioms: “the hair of the dog that bit me.” Ancient Romans, it seems, believed that the bite of a mad dog could only be cured by burning the dog’s hair and drinking it with water. The bite from the bottle was equally painful and now, asking for “the hair of the dog that bit me” means to drown your hangover in more booze.







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