第二部分 非选择题
II. Reading comprehension ( 16 points, 4 for each )
Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English . Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.
41. “And ever as he rode , his hart did earne, / To prove his puissance in battell brave”
Question :
A. Identify the poem and the poet.
B. What does the word “ puissance” mean?
C. Is the theme of the poem “Arms and the Man”? If not ,
tell your point and explain it briefly.
42. “A line in long array where they wind betwixt green islands,
They take a serpentine course , their arms flash in the sun-hark to the musical clank,
Be hold the silvery river , in it the splashing horses loitering stop to drink,
Behold the brown-faced men, each group, each person, a picture, the negligent rest on the saddles,
Some emerge on the opposite bank , others are just entering the ford-while,
Scarlet and blue and snowy white,
The guidon flags flutter gayly in the wind .”
A. Who is the author of this poem?
B. What is the essence of this poem ?
C. What is the unique character in this poem?
43. “Break ,break , break , / On thy cold grey stones , O sea! / And I thought that my tongue could utter / The thoughts that arise in me.”
A. Give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which this stanza is taken .
B. Interpret this stanza.
C. Analyze the author’s art of this poem.
44. “ The apparition of the these faces in the crowed; / Petals on a wet, black bough”
A: From which poem does the stanza come ? Who is the author?
B: What does the “petals” mean?
C: Briefly interpret the two lines.