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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/29 16:16  新浪教育






  1. Why is the woman here?

  A. Visiting Japan.

  B. Having a vacation.

  C. Studying English.

  2. What does the man ask for?

  A. Some coins.

  B. A machine.

  C. Coffee.

  3. Why is the man standing outside?

  A. The meeting has been put off.

  B. He is waiting for the teacher.

  C. He can’t get into the room.

  4. Where will the man meet the woman?

  A. At the restaurant.

  B. In the market.

  C. At the gym.

  5. Where did the man put his camera?

  A. On the steps.

  B. By the tower.

  C. In his car.




  6. What is the woman doing?

  A. Asking for permission.

  B. Offering an invitation.

  C. Giving help.

  7. What day have they agreed on?

  A. Friday. B. Monday. C. Wednesday.


  8. What can visitors see every day during the festival?

  A. Plays. B. Films. C. Paintings.

  9. Where will the concerts of Irish music take place?

  A. At the exhibition.

  B. In the Town Hall.

  C. In the Theatre.


  10. What is the man doing?

  A. Planning how to save money.

  B. Working out how much he spends a month.

  C. Explaining why his money runs out quickly.

  11. How much does the man pay for books every month?

  A. About £50.

  B. About £28.

  C. About £30.

  12. What does the man spend most of his money on?

  A. Transport. B. Books. C. Food.


  13. Where does the pollution probably come from?

  A. The village.

  B. The valley.

  C. The forest.

  14. Where is the village?

  A. In the valley.

  B. Above the forest.

  C. On top of the mountain.


  15. What does Anna want her father to do?

  A. To collect her from the party.

  B. To attend the party with her.

  C. To drive her to the party.

  16. Whose birthday party is it?

  A. Mary’s. B. Jane’s. C. Tom’s.

  17. What’s Jane’s father going to do?

  A. To arrange for the ride.

  B. To see Jane at the party.

  C. To bring Anna back home.


  18. When can the children play the sports of their choices?

  A. In the afternoon.

  B. In the morning.

  C. At noon.

  19. What do we learn about the camp activities?

  A. Ten sports for the week.

  B. Ten shirts for most sports.

  C. Lunch from 12∶15 to 1∶45.

  20. Who might be the speaker?

  A. One of the group leaders.

  B. The organizer of the camp.

  C. The teacher of the students.

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