国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院由国家留学基金管理委员会主办,2004年在北京正式注册(京教社证字 V70137 号)成立,标志着我国公民自费出国留学从此有了一个权威、规范的、多元化选择的、稳妥的专门渠道。
国家留学基金管理委员会是教育部直属的非盈利性事业法人单位,其宗旨是发展中国与世界 各国的教育文化交流与合作,其主要职责是受政府委托,组织实施出国留学和来华留学的相关事务。留学预科学院秉承国家留学基金管理委员会的宗旨开展相关业务,努力实现国内外优质教育的有效衔接,培养国际化、复合型人才。
Brief Introduction of FCCSC
The unique institute of higher education oriented to studying abroad in China
• Foundation College of China Scholarship Council (FCCSC) is an institution of higher learning with the orientation to provide foundation programs for studying abroad。
• Officially approved by Beijing Municipal Government in June 2004 (Register Number: ‘V70137’), FCCSC provides a reliable channel for the self-sponsored Chinese students who are seeking overseas study opportunities。
• Under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, FCCSC takes the responsibility of providing high-quality foundation programs and good services to Chinese students。
• As a non-profit organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education of P.R. China, China Scholarship Council (CSC) is responsible for providing financial support to Chinese citizens to study abroad and international students and scholars to study in China and promote international cultural and educational exchanges. Under the supervision of CSC, FCCSC intends to bring the well-established international foundation programs to China and play a role on the student mobility。