
2011新浪教育盛典: 胡敏简介

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月15日 16:30   新浪教育微博



  1998年荣获北京市第五届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖;2005年荣获教育部中国成人教育协会和陈香梅教科文奖办公室联合颁发的“中国民办教育创新与发展论坛暨陈香梅教科文奖表彰活动特殊贡献奖”;2008 年荣获“改革开放三十年北京教育功勋人物奖”;2009 年英国文化协会授予其全球“雅思考试20年20人”杰出贡献奖;2009年荣获品牌中国(教育行业)年度人物大奖。

  Prof. Hu Min

  Hu Min is President of New Channel International Education Group, President of Beijing New Channel School, a distinguished education expert, and a returned scholar from England. He was formerly the Vice Chairman of the English Department at the School of International Relations where he mentored master's candidates, and formerly President of New Oriental Education Group. He founded New Channel School in 2004. As one of the luminaries of English training in China, Prof. Hu is not only the ground-breaker for the entire IELTS training industry in China, he is also a master of TOEFL training and a pioneer in preparatory training for the NETEM. His basic concepts of training and educational models for the IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, NETEM, and Youth English are now commonly used all over China. He has been invited many times as a speaker and visiting scholar to universities and educational institutions in England and other commonwealth nations, Japan, Korea, and many other countries. He leads a corps of international teachers that have together trained over a million students. Hu Min has lead the industry in the production of independent intellectual property, publishing over 300 works and textbooks, many of which have been hailed by domestic and foreign training centers alike as classic instructional materials。

  In 1998 he was honored in Beijing with a second level prize for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science. In 2005, he was recognized for outstanding achievements as an innovator in the Chinese non-governmental education sector with an award given jointly by the Chinese Adult Education Association and the Ms. Anna Chennault Education Scholarship Office.  In 2008 he was recognized for having provided meritorious service in Beijing over the past 30 years of opening and reform. In 2009 he was recognized by the British Council as one of the 20 outstanding contributors to the IELTS test over the past 20 years。



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