
2011新浪教育盛典: 新航道国际教育集团简介

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年11月15日 16:33   新浪教育微博


  新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED)(微博)是由中国英语培训界著名领军人物、英语教育专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外语言培训界精英及专家学者共同创办,美国国际数据集团(IDG)和全球著名的教育培训机构美国Kaplan国际教育集团参与战略投资的国际化语言教育机构。下辖教育文化发展公司、语言文化传播公司、培训学校、留学服务中心、“学得快”个性化学习中心、各省市分支机构等二十余家机构,合作单位包括北京大学、中国人民大学、外交学院、教育部高等教育出版社等知名学府和学术机构。






  New Channel International Education Group was founded by a group of elite Chinese and foreign language trainers and expert academics, all led by English language instruction expert Hu Min. New Channel is an international language education institution that has received strategic investment from International Data Group and Kaplan, the world-renowned educational institution. It has a wide variety of subsidiaries including an education and culture development company, an education investment company, training schools, study abroad service centers, “Learn Quick” Personal Learning Centres, and branch organizations all over China. New Channel has strategic partnerships with organizations including China Higher Education Press, Peking University, China Foreign Affairs University, and other renowned academic organizations and schools.   

  New Channel's goal is to create a complete system for English language education in China. Following the spirit of the school's motto, "I will persist until I succeed!", New Channel stands firmly by its educational ideals of being "Innovative, Academic, Motivational and Passionate". Relying on a deep foundation in academics, a pragmatic educational style, a strong capacity for research and development, and a prolific enterprising spirit, New Channel has quickly risen to the top of its industry. With its educational content, textbook R&D, the quality of its courses, and its service environment, New Channel has set a new standard, raising the bar for China's English training industry, and creating a path to success in English for all Chinese students。

  English Training: New Channel has developed a large body of training materials composed of original intellectual property; brought Kaplan’s TOEFL training materials and TOEFL iBT mock test system—both of which are the results of years of training and research—to China; created the “Learn Quick” training method, which meets a variety of learning needs of different students by setting and implementing precise study plans that help students quickly increase their levels and test scores; established the "IELTS Dream Team", the "NETEM Dream Team", and other training teams with teachers from inside and outside of China; and provided students with IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, SAT, AP, NETEM, foreign-teacher-led topic discussions, New Concept English, high school English, children's English and other high quality training programs。

  Publishing: To date, New Channel has produced over 400 original books and multimedia products, with content ranging from domestic to international tests and comprehensive English, and has distributors in every province, city, and autonomous region in China. Millions of students have benefited from these materials.    

  Study Abroad: With the principle of “Using Integrity to Create Your Future”, New Channel provides quality services to Chinese students planning to study abroad and helps show foreign educational institutions the strengths of Chinese students。

  Children's English: Over the past five years, New Channel has developed the "Parade" system of English learning for children and is now engaging in national promotion of the program, offering a comprehensive solution for children's extra-curricular English learning。



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