
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月29日 09:27   无忧雅思网


  Part 1

  1. name and its special meaning

  2. major or job

  3. hometown and weather

  4. relax

  5. reading

  What do children like reading?

  What do you like reading?

  Why do so many people dislike reading?

  6. language

  What other language do you want to learn besides English?

  7. computers and the internet

  8. movies or music

  9. drawing

  part 2

  1. people and animals

  1) a person you want to be similar to.


  2) a male family member

  3) a leader

  4) an old man

  5) a child

  6) an interesting animal(这个话题要关注一下,好久没有考到了)

  2. places and buildings

  1) a city

  2) a park

  3) a hotel or restaurant

  4) a library

  5) a unforgetable place you’ve been to

  6) a shop/market

  7) a swimming place/a place where you can find water.

  3. objects and things

  1) a lost thing

  2) a clothes

  3) a gift

  4) a useful equipment besides the computer

  4. events

  1. an advice

  2. a change in your life

  3. a family event such as a wedding

  4. an physical activity

  5. a kind of weather(倾向于考自然灾害)

  6. a tour you took before(这样的话题,完全可以通过嫁接,说到曾经去过的地方什么的话题)。

  5. media

  1) email

  2) teenager magazine

  3) website

  4) newspaper

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