2008年03月01日 13:18 新东方
作者:韦晓亮 大家历经20天,40次课的苦海终于结束了,赶紧休息几天再投入到GRE的备考中,感谢我们这个班的同学很多充满启发性的问题,正所谓,学无先后,达者为师,很多方面,很多同学是我的老师,谢谢你们。我们最后一节课总结了大家必须要在作文考试前储备的16大功能段落,下面做一个示范展示,建议大加每一个功能段落,一个论证的,一个论据的,这样你上考场能用上你脑子里已经储备的精彩段落的概率非常高,同时我们上课串讲了题库的代表性的难题以及典型题的提纲论证过程和论据,大家要多积累你论证一个题目的素材,以及讲中文提纲转换为英文的能力,首先就是多输入好的素材,然后才能有能力操控自己的语言,例如我们上课讲到一定要储备“质疑精神”的段落,我来一个论证来一个论据就构成一下的体系。 1. 论据 William Harvey (1578-1657) 哈维,血液循环发现人,推翻了盖伦的理论(对于这个例子,我既可以用在质疑精神推动了科学的进步,又能用在那些“伟大的思想家,科学家往往不受他们所在的时代和社会的认可”以及“现在的很多成就都受过去的成就的影响”,因此这样一个例子就能眷顾到很多话题的支持中,这样也就提高了我们的备考效率,要多掌握那些很有针对性同时还不乏灵活性的例子,我们所掌握的素材就能发挥更高的效率)。 William Harvey (1578-1657), English physician, who discovered the circulation of the blood and the role of the heart in propelling it, thus refuting the theories of Galen (注:质疑精神的题目用到的有效论据)and laying the foundation for modern physiology(注:过去对现在的影响的有效论据). Harvey's De Motu Cordis subjected him to severe criticism by some contemporaries(注:伟大的科学家总不受当时的社会认可,思想超前), but this was more than compensated for by the later widespread recognition of his contribution. 如上所示的一个哈维的例子,我们其实应对了三个主题的写作的例子,而这三个主题加起来辐射了我们GRE Issue话题题库中的将近49个题目,这种素材的性价比就太高了,因此大家要学会这样的总结,这里就只是大家这样一个启发。 2. 论证——质疑精神的本质 Doubt tends to be wholly rational and causes us to hesitate before acting, and apply more rigorous methods. In politics, ethics and law, where very important decisions are made that often determine the course of someone's life, doubt is central, and often motivates an elaborate adversarial process to carefully sort through all the evidence to come to a decision. The scientific method, and to a degree all of science can be said to be entirely motivated by doubt: rather than accept the existing theories, experiments to test them continue. Technology can be seen as simply the expansion of the experiments to a wider user base, who take real risks with it. Users may no longer doubt the applicability of the theory in play, but there remain doubts about how it interacts with the real world. The process of technology transfer stages exploitation of science to ensure that doubt and danger are minimized. 总结,GRE作文是ETS对于大家逻辑和语言的综合性考察,祝愿大家杀G成功,也希望小宝老师能继续给大家的备考和出国道路带来一些帮助。再见了,G0019的同学们。 更多信息请访问:新浪英语考试频道 英语考试论坛 英语考试博客圈 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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