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2008年04月25日 16:08 新浪教育
接下来,我将以如下例子来告诉大家如果提炼“魔板”: Getting the Templates The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the behavior of stags. The professor shows how the actions of animal can be interpreted in different ways. For example, some people interpret the stag’s actions as being for the “good of the species,” but the professor shows that the stag is actually acting in self-interest. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that the crickets’ behavior can be interpreted as helping only individual crickets and not the group as a whole. The professor then talks about the results of the experiment, which seems to indicate the crickets are acting only in self-interest. Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about the intelligence of animals and insects. As he states, it would seem to require a lot of intelligence to evaluate how a behavior will affect an entire species. This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely; a cricket is probably unable to think of the consequences of its actions. It is more likely that the cricket is only acting out of self-preservation, as the professor indicates. The first point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________. The professor shows that_____________________________________. For example, ______________________________, but the professor shows that_______________________________________. This casts doubt on the reading because it appears that_________________________________. The professor then talks about_________________________, which seems to indicate that___________________________. Another point the professor makes that casts doubt on the reading is his point about__________________________________. As he states, it would seem to___________________________. This makes the explanation in the reading seem less likely;_____________________________________. It is more likely that________________________, ad the professor indicates. 实际上,大家从上面这个例子就可以发现“魔板”的提取过程就是这样的: ·先认真读完一篇满分范文 ·再用笔划掉其中涉及题目具体内容的部分 ·最后把余下来的部分抄写下来即可 但“魔板”做出来后只是做了一小半工作,大家还必须学会如何往里面填空,实际上最简单的方法就是看着题目把具体内容自己填进去,然后跟范文对比,找出填空的精华技巧所在,因为在后半部分的GRE/GMAT中我还会详细讲解,所以这里只是先告诉大家这样一个简单方法。 大家如果想在今后新托福的考试中作文部分有所突破,那么就应该按照我这个提炼“魔板”的方法,去至少提炼20篇左右的满分范文,再加以有机排列组合成自己独特的考试“魔板”,最后进行集中填空,那么新托福作文25分将不再是神话。
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