

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月26日 16:49   新浪教育


  Teenagers are often priced out of the labor market by the government-mandated minimum-wage level because employers cannot afford to pay that much for extra help. Therefore, if Congress institutes a subminimum wage, a new lower legal wage for teenagers, the teenage unemployment rate, which has been rising since 1960, will no longer increase.

  (注释:priced out of the market:因价高而被挤出市场)

  Which of the following statements, if true, would most weaken the argument above?

  (A) Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen when the minimum wage has risen.

  (B) Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen even when the minimum wage remained constant.

  (C) Employers often hire extra help during holiday and warm weather seasons.

  (D) The teenage unemployment rate rose more quickly in the 1970’s than it did in the 1960’s.

  (E) The teenage unemployment rate has occasionally declined in the years since 1960.


  如果国会制定更低的teenagers最低工资 ===》teenagers的失业率将不再上升


  显然A 和B都是相关的



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