

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月04日 16:50   新浪教育

  71. I’ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必须先问一下我的老板/老婆。

  72. I take it you don’t agree. 这么说来,我认为你是不同意。

  73. I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. 我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。

  74. It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起来没有任何意义。

  75. It took years of hard work to speak good English.讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦训练。

  76. It feels like spring/ I’ve been here before.感觉好象春天到了/我以前来过这里。

  77. I wonder if they can make it . 我在想他们是不是能办得到。

  78. It’s not as cold / hot as it was yesterday. 今天不想昨天那么冷‘热。

  79. It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。

  80. It sounds like you enjoyed it . 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。


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