

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月26日 15:25   新东方



  (1) warning只是警告,如果飞行员没注意到,还会相撞;  

  First, …if the cause of the problem of midair plane collisions is that pilots are not paying attention to their computer systems or flight operation, the warning system will not solve the collision problem.

  (2) onboard机载设备不具备强制性、权威性,飞行员可以选择是否执行

  Second, …If the pilot or flight specialist does not conform to what the warning system suggests, midair collision will not be avoided.  

  (3) computerized计算机可能会失灵  

  The argument also does not address what would happen in the event that the warning system collapses, fails, or does not work properly.  

  (4) commercial airlines没有排除与军队飞机或私人飞机相撞的可能性

  Finally, if planes other than commercial airlines are involved in the collisions, the problem of these collisions cannot be solved by a warning system that will not be installed on non-commercial airlines.  



  (5)signal course指示出路线,不等于两架飞机能够选择正确的避让路线  

  The main flaw in the argument is that it assumes that the two planes, upon receiving each other’s signals, will know which evasive action to take. For example, the two planes could be going towards each other and then receive the signals. If one turns at an angle to the left and the other turns at an angle to the right, the two planes will still crash. Even if they receive an updated signal, they will not have time to avoid each other.


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