

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 16:30   文都教育

  Part Ⅲ    Listening Comprehension             (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  11. A) The woman thinks Joseph will remarry。

  B) Joseph will not remarry in fear that he might feel disappointed again。

  C) Joseph doesn't want to remarry because he hates being cheated。

  D) Joseph doesn't like the woman。

  12. A) The man and the woman are going to get married。

  B) The woman wants to invite many people to the wedding ceremony。

  C) The woman wants the man to agree with her idea。

  D) The man doesn't want to invite many people to their wedding ceremony。

  13. A) The man didn't see eye to eye with Professor Clark。

  B) The man caught the most important point of the topic。

  C) The man's presentation had a right purpose。

  D) The man was right to give the presentation。

  14. A) The woman shouldn't believe everything Dave tells her。

  B) The woman shouldn't let Dave get the best of her。

  C) Dave is not serious with the woman。

  D) Dave is always true to his words。

  15. A) Everyone in the town misses Lots。

  B) Everyone in the town expects Lora to come hack。

  C) Everyone in the town respects Lora。

  D) Everyone in the town wants to see Lots。

  16. A) Hurry to the conference.                B) Skip the conference。

  C) Take the subway.                     D) Take a bus。

  17. A) He is confident.       B) He is worried。

  C) He is bored.                          D) He is angry。

  18. A) He used to be a workman himself。

  B) He likes to do repairs and make things himself。

  C) He is professional builder。

  D) He paid workmen to decorate the house。

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  19. A) To help students prepare to enter American Universities。

  B) To teach students how to use English at work。

  C) To provide work opportunities for graduating students。

  D) To help students learn to communicate with others in their daily lives。

  20. A) Business English.                      B) US Culture。

  C) TOEFL.                              D) Computer。

  21. A) $2,030.         B) $2,300.          C) $2,013.          D) $23,000.

  22. A) Call the English Language Center to apply。

  B) Fill in the application form on the website。

  C) Send an email to the English Language Center。

  D) Visit the English Language Center personally。

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  23. A) Teacher and student.                  B) Manager and guest。

  C) Receptionist and guest.                 D) Friends。

  24. A) One week.                            B) Two weeks。

  C) Three days.                           D) Seventeen days。

  25. A) Call room service.                     B) Come to the reception desk。

  C) Both A) and B).            D) Go to the canteen。

  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  26. A) Nicotine.        B) Ashes.           C) Smoke.           D) Tar。

  27. A) To keep selling people by producing cigarettes with less tar。

  B) To persuade people to give up smoking entirely。

  C) To reduce the risk to people's health。

  D) To let people know the risk to people's health。

  28. A) Smoking.                             B) Smokers。

  C) Why Do People Smoke?                D) The Tar。

  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  29. A) Musical films.                         B) The Western movie。

  C) Science fiction films.                   D) The gangster movie。

  30. A) Because he can protect people's ideals。

  B) Because he can straighten out any trouble。

  C) Because he is brave and smart。

  D) Because he is highly independent。

  31. A) The cherished individualism。

  B) The role of individuals in society。

  C) The loner hero fighting evil forces。

  D) The ideals of independence and freedom。

  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  32. A) It has an intense gravity。

  B) It can change space and time in basic ways。

  C) Nothing can escape from it。

  D) It has been predicted by theory but never confirmed。

  33. A) About 700 million light-years from Sun。

  B) About 700 million light-years from Earth。

  C) About 700 million light-years from the black hole。

  D) About 700 million light-years from a galaxy。

  34. A) Gases have been heated to a temperature of multimillion-degree。

  B) Gases have been drawn to the black hole at a very high speed。

  C) Gases have been tearing apart by the black hole。

  D) Gases have been sucked by the black hole。

  35. A) It may exist in the neighborhood of big stars。

  B) It may exist in the neighborhood of a galaxy。

  C) It may exist at the center of X-rays。

  D) It may exist at the center of a galaxy。

  Section C

  The World Trade Organization was established in 1995. It   (36)   out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT. GATT was created in 1948 after the end of World War Ⅱ. It led to a series of international trade negotiations, which   (37)   a world trading system. The WTO supervises and makes   (38)   to that system。

  The WTO organizes trade negotiations and settles trade   (39)   . It supervises trade agreements reached by member nations.  It also provides developing countries with technical assistance and training programs in trade   (40)  .  And, it cooperates with other international organizations。

  The top decision-making group of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference.  It   (41)    at least once every two years in different cities around the world.  WTO members reach agreements by debate and   (42)  . WTO agreements then go to the governments of each country for   (43)   or rejection。

  (44)   . GATT was designed to lower import taxes and remove other barriers to trade in goods. However,   (45)  . This industry includes banks, communications companies, hotels and transport businesses. The WTO also supervises an agreement on what is called intellectual property.   (46)  。

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