

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 16:30   文都教育

  Part IV   Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)     (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Of 2, 000 commercial beekeepers in the United States about half migrate.  Migratory beekeeping is nothing new. The ancient Egyptians moved clay hives, probably on rafts, down the Nile to follow the bloom and nectar flow as it moved toward Cairo. In the 1880s North American beekeepers experimented with the same idea. moving bees on barges along the Mississippi lighter, wooden hives kept falling into the water, Other keepers tried the railroad and horse drawn wagons, but that didn't prove practical.  Not until the 1920s when cars and trucks became affordable and roads improved, did migratory beekeeping begin to catch on。

  For the Californian beekeeper, the pollination season begins in February. At this time. the beehives are in particular demand by farmers who have almond groves; they need two hives an acre. For the three-week long bloom, beekeepers can hire out their hives for $ 32 each。

  By early March it is time to move the bees. It can take up to seven nights to pack the 4,000 or so hives that a beekeeper may own. These are not moved in the middle of the day because too many of the bees would end up homeless. But at night, the hives are stacked onto wooden pallets, back-to-back in sets of four, and lifted onto a truck. It is not necessary to wear gloves or a beekeeper's veil because the hives are not being opened and the bees should remain relatively quiet. Just in case some are still lively, bees can be pacified with a few puffs of smoke blown into each hive's narrow entrance。

  In their new location, the beekeeper will pay the farmer to allow his bees to feed in such places as orange groves. The honey produced here is fragrant and sweet and can be sold by the beekeepers. To encourage the bees to produce as' much honey as possible during this period, the beekeepers open the hives and stack extra boxes called supers on top.  These temporary hive extensions contain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey. In the brood chamber below, the bees will stash honey to eat later. To prevent the queen from crawling up to the top and laying eggs, a screen can be inserted between the brood chamber and the supers。

  Three weeks later the honey can be gathered.  Foul smelling chemicals are often used to irritate the bees and drive them down into the hive's bottom boxes, leaving the honey-filled supers more or less bee free. These can then be pulled off the hive. They are heavy with honey and may weigh up to 90 pounds each.  The supers are then taken to a warehouse where the extracting process takes place。

  After this, approximately a quarter of the hives weakened by disease, mites or an ageing or dead queen, will have to be replaced. To create new colonies, a healthy double hive, teeming with bees, can be separated into two boxes. One half will hold the queen and a young, already mated queen can be put in the other half, to make two hives from one. By the time the flowers bloom, the new queens will be laying eggs, filling each hive with young worker bees. The beekeeper's family will then migrate with them to their summer location。

  47. First attempts at migratory beekeeping in America were ______。

  48. In March, beekeepers prepare for migration at night when the hives are ______ and the bees are generally tranquil。

  40. They transport their hives to orange groves where farmers ______ beekeepers for placing them on their land。

  50. Where do the bees keep honey for themselves to cat later?

  51. To create new colonies, what will beekeepers do with the hives in good condition?

  Section B

  Passage One

  That particularly humorless boss or dour neighbor may not have a personality defect---but a different brain structure, research published Wednesday suggests. Scientists in Canada say they have found how brain damage can affect a person's sense of humor, adding to evidence that humor may be hard-wired into the brain。

  A team at the University of Toronto and the Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care in Toronto found that people with damage to the right frontal lobe of their brains do not really "get" ironic jokes the way they should. Instead, they prefer slapstick humor. "We always thought of humor as an intangible part of our personality," Prathiba Shammi of the University of Toronto, a psychologist who worked on the study, said in a statement. "Now we know humor can be tested and scientifically scrutinized。”

  Shammi compared the responses of 42 volunteers aged 18 to 70 to written and verbal jokes and cartoons. Half the group had a brain injury caused by stroke, tumor or surgical removal. People with damage to the right anterior frontal lobe were the least able to appreciate jokes and cartoons, Shammi reported in the journal Brain. Instead, they showed a preference for silly slapstick humor. Shammi gave an example of one of her jokes and the responses。

  A teen-ager is being interviewed for a summer job. "You'll get $ 50 a week to start off," says his boss. "Then after a month you'll get a raise to $75 a week. "Volunteers were offered three possible punch lines:

  a. "I'd like to take the job. When can I start?"

  b. "That's great! I'll come back in a month."

  c. "Hey boss, your nose is too big for your face!"

  52. According to the passage a humorless person ______。

  A) has a personality defect                 B) may have a different brain structure

  C) has been injured in the brain            D) does not understand any joke

  53. Traditionally people believe that humor ______。

  A) can be tested and scientifically scrutinized

  B) has something to do with a person's brain

  C) cannot be found in brain-damaged people

  D) is an intangible part of a person's personality

  54. Which of the following statement is true?

  A) 42 volunteers were tested with both written and verbal jokes。

  B) Only people with damage to the right anterior frontal lobe could not appreciate jokes。

  C) Humorless people prefer silly slapstick humor。

  D) The author had a humorless boss and a dour neighbor。

  55. Which of the following statements about the volunteers in the experiment is NOT true?

  A) The oldest volunteer was seventy years old。

  B) They are tested with jokes both in written and spoken form。

  C) The majority of the volunteers suffered from brain damage。

  D) Comparatively people suffered from right anterior frontal lobe damage was most humorless。

  56. Look at the joke in the last part of the passage. We can infer that most people with damage to the right anterior frontal lobe ______。

  A) did not understand the joke            B) would choose answer c

  C) would choose answer b                D) would choose answer a

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