

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 16:30   文都教育

  Passage Two

  Film is a medium that might have been especially made for America, a vast country which, by the beginning of the twentieth century, had a large immigrant population, many of whom could hardly speak English. These people' would have had little use for the theatre, even if they lived within easy distance of one. or for most of the books they could buy because they did not have enough English.  But the movies  the silent movies  these they could all understand, so what America had more than any European country was a huge captive audience, a large proportion of them pretty well uneducated.  And what these people wanted were simple stories in which, irrespective of the fact they couldn't understand the captions, the action told all。

  In feeding the growing demand for screen entertainment, America was greatly helped by the First World War. Between 1914 and 1918 the making of films was not exactly high on the list of any European country's priorities.  Films continued to be made but not to the same extent as before, and to fill the gap in foreign imports, America had to increase its own production. By the end of the decade, with Hollywood now firmly established as the center of the industry, America was well on its way to monopolizing the world market。

  But if by the beginning of the 1920s America was the world leader in film production, it was not then nor has it been since--in the lead when it comes to developing film as an art form. Hollywood film is not interested in arts it is interested in money and the two rarely go together. To Hollywood film is, and really always has been, an industry. There is nothing about this attitude that should make us look down on it. The maker of decent, serviceable and mass-produced furniture is not to be looked down on because he isn't Chippendale. You might wish he were, but. that is another matter. So Hollywood quickly recognized film as an entertainment medium with a unique ability to put people onto seats and money in the pockets of producers, distributors and cinema managers and, mostly, left it to others to develop its potential as an art form。

  Generally speaking, the efforts to extend the boundaries of film--to show that it could do more than car chases, romance and clowning--were being made elsewhere. In the 1920s in Germany, for example, expressionism was an artistic movement which used film as a medium. Expressionism is described in the Oxford Companion to Film as "a movement whose main aim was to show in images man's inner world and in particular the emotions of fear, hatred, love and anxiety". These days, most serious and sometimes not so serious---films attempt to do something like that as a matter of course。

  57. The large immigrant population in America prefer film to other entertainment media Because ______。

  A) the films, especially silent films, were usually easy to understand

  B) they could not afford to buy books or magazines

  C) they did not have theatres close enough to their homes

  D) the film captions were simple enough for them to understand

  58. What made the American film industry develop during the First World War?

  A) The drastic drop in imports.             B) The poor quality of European films。

  C) The growing demand for war films.     D) The rapid growth of population。

  59. What can we learn about the American film industry around 1920?

  A) Art films produced in American were better than those made elsewhere。

  B) The Americans played a leading role in developing film as an art form。

  C) Americans looked down upon their own films。

  D) More films were made in America than anywhere else。

  60. What does "it" in the last sentence of Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A) To develop the potential of a movie as the an art form。

  B) An entertainment medium in Hollywood。

  C) Movie industry of America。

  D) Money for the producer, distributor and cinema managers。

  61. What do we learn about expressionism?

  A) Its objective was to depict romance and car chases。

  B) Its aim was to display man's various types of emotions。

  C) It was developed in America in the 1920s。

  D) Its motivation was to show man's varied facial expressions。

  Part Ⅴ  Error Correction                  (15 minutes)

  At the first sight the planet Mars does not appear very welcoming to       62. ______。

  any kind of life. It has very little oxygen and water, the temperature at        

  night is below -50 degrees and winds of 100 miles per hour cause severe        

  dusty storms.  However, the surface of the planet seems to show that           63. ______。

  water flowed across at some time in the past, and it is believed that there    64. ______。

  is enough ice at the poles to cover the planet with water if il melts.         65. ______。

  Although there is no life on Mars. some scientists think that there may        

  have some form of life a long time ago. At that time, the planet had active    66. ______。

  volcanoes; the atmosphere was thinner and warmer; and there was water.         67. ______。

  In fact, in some ways Mars may have been different to earth, where life        68. ______。


  Some people believe that Mars could support life in the future if the       

  right conditions were produced. The first step would be to warm the               

  planet used certain gases which trap the sun's heat in the planet's            69. ______。

  atmosphere. By warmth, water and carbon dioxide, simple plants could           70. ______。

  begin to grow,  These plants could slowly make Mars habitable. It is

  established that the whole process might spend between 100,000 and 200,000     71. ______。

  years. In the meantime, people could begin to live on the planet in special

  closed environments. They would provide a lot of useful information about

  conditions on Mars and the problems connected with living there。

  Part Ⅵ    Translation                     (5 minutes)

  72. In fact,___________________(有人说通过强制执行严格的规范可以使人们得到改造,这种廉洁是没有根据的)。

  73. It is common sense that___________________(医生往往为自己能够医治好病人罕见的疾病而自豪)。

  74. According to recent research,___________________(退休的人如果找不到什么事情可做,常会意志消沉)。

  75. To prepare us for the debate,___________________(教练经常要我们注意与自己论点相悖的观点)。

  76. For any country,___________________(如打算为它的年青一代提供一个可靠的未来,就应该把环保放在优先地位)。

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