

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 17:01   文都教育

  Part Ⅲ   Listening Comprehension             (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  11. A) The train seldom arrives on time。

  B) The schedule has been misprinted。

  C) The speakers arrived at the station late。

  D) The company has trouble printing a schedule。

  12. A) She wants to borrow the man's student ID card。

  B) The tickets are less expensive than she expected。

  C) She won't be able to get any discount for the ticket。

  D) The performance turned out to be disappointing。

  13. A) The organization of a conference。

  B) The cost of renting a conference room。

  C) The decoration of the conference room。

  D) The job of cleaning up the dining room。

  14. A) The man will go in for business fight after high school。

  B) The woman is not happy with the man's decision。

  C) The man wants to be a business manager。

  D) The woman is working in a kindergarten。

  15. A) The woman doesn't like jam。

  B) The woman forgot where she had left the jar。

  C) The man had an accident。

  D) The man broke the jar。

  16. A) Opinions about the book are varied。

  B) The man thinks the book is excellent。

  C) You shouldn't believe everything you read。

  D) The woman wonders which newspaper the man is reading。

  17. A) It's quite normal.                      B) It's too high。

  C) It's cheap indeed.                      D) It could be cheaper。

  18. A) The admission of a patient.             B) Diagnosis of an illness。

  C) The old man's serious condition.        D) Sending for a doctor。

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  19. A) At s party.                           B) At school。

  C) At a friend's house.                    D) In the classroom。

  20. A) Sharon.                               B) Susan。

  C) Sherry.                               D) Ben。

  21. A) Marketing.                              B) International Business,

  C) Accounting.                             D) Education。

  22. A) Yes.                                 B) No。

  C) Hard to say.                          D) Not mentioned。

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  23. A) It is in the center of Yunnan Province。

  B) It is in the center of Kunming。

  C) It is in the northwest to Ningliang Yi autonomous County。

  D) It is in the northwest of Yunnan Province。

  24. A) Its waterfalls and scenery.             B) Its culture and scenery。

  C) Its autonomy and culture.               D) Its natural wonders。

  25. A) Six hours.                            B) Eighteen hours。

  C) Sixteen hours. D) Eight hours。

  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  26. A) Within 1 year.                        B) Within 2 years。

  C) Within 3 years.                         D) Within 4 years。

  27. A) About one third.                      B) About two thirds。

  C) Less than half.                        D) More than half。

  28. A) To prepare disabled people for later life。

  B) To provide equal opportunities for disabled people。

  C) To analyze the success of disabled people。

  D) To measure the success of federal laws and programs。

  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  29. A) By greeting each other very politely。

  B) By exchanging their views on public affairs。

  C) By displaying their feelings and emotions。

  D) By asking each other some personal questions。

  30. A) Refrain from showing his feelings.      B) Argue fiercely。

  C) Express his opinion frankly.            D) Yell loudly。

  31. A) Getting rich quickly.                   B) Respecting individual rights。

  C) Distinguishing oneself.                  D) Doing credit to one's community。

  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  32. A) Watching sports on TV.                B) Watching election returns。

  C) Late snacks.                            D) Sleeping。

  33. A) Defeat.                               B) Indifference。

  C) Acceptance.                           D) Violation。

  34. A) The Third Kingdom.                  B) The Weimar Republic。

  C) The French Commune.                 D) Switzerland。

  35. A) Hitler.                               B) De Gaulle。

  C) Churchill,                             D) Hindenburg。

  Section C

  I asked successful people What the secret of their success was. I   (36)   an early discussion with a vice president of a large oil company. "Oh, I just keep a To Do List," he said. I passed over that quickly, little   (37)   the importance of what be said。

  I was in another city the next day and I had lunch with a businessman who   (38)   owned the town.  He was chairman of the gas and light company, president of five   (39)   companies, and had his hand in a dozen other   (40)   I asked him how he   (41)   to get everything done. "Oh, that's easy," he said. "I keep a To Do List." The first thing in the morning, he told me, he would come in and list what he wanted to   (42)    that day. He would   (43)   the items in priority。

  During the day   (44)  . In the evening he would check to see how many of the items he had written clown still remained undone and then give himself a score.   (45)  。

  Again and again in the years since, when I have talked to successful people, the To Do List has come up. I have found that one difference between people at the top of the ladder and people at the bottom is that   (46)  。

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