

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 17:01   文都教育

  Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  47.从第二段的最后一句“So the Kendlers concluded that they were incapable of deductive reasoning。”和全文的最后一句“...but this difficulty cannot be taken as proof that they are incapable of deductive reasoning。”可以推断,三组实验都是根据文章开头所提到的心理学家 Clark Hull的理论。来验证实验对象是否有推理能力的。Kendler夫妇的实验对象是儿童。故可以回答为“To test whether children are capable of deductive reasoning。”。

  48.结合第二段倒数第三句“But they did not for the most part‘integrates’。”和文章第一段“... the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two‘behavior segments' in some novel way,never actually performed before,so as to reach a goal.’”可见如果实验对象能把两个行为”“结合”起来去达到一个目的,就是具备了推理能力。所以培训实验对象的时候显然不会教他们如何去“结合”两个步骤。故正确答案为“integrate”或者也可以是“put together”。

  49.文章第三段描述了Michael Cole和同事们的实验。当他们把实验设施换成实验对象所熟悉的东西时,他们的表现有所改善。可见影响实验结果的是实验设施的特点。封文章的第四段,作者对此做了总结:“Recent work by Simon Hewson is of great interest here for it shows that,for young children,too,the difficulty lies not in the inferential processes which the task demands,but in certain perplexing features of the apparatus and the procedure。”,作者明确指出无论实验对象是成人还是儿童,影响他们表现的是实验设施和过程的特点。因此,正确答案为“features of the apparatus and procedure”。

  50.文章第二段描述Kendler夫妇的实验时作者提到:“The stages consisted merely of pressing the correct one of two buttons to get a marble;and of inserting the marble into a small hole to release the toy。”。第四段描述Simon Hewson的实验时提到:“Then he helped the child to understand that there was no“magic”about the specific marble。”,由此可见只有Michael Cole和他同事的实验没有用弹珠了。故正确答案是“Michael Cole and his colleagues。”。

  51.第四段描述了Simon Hewson在前面两个研究者的实验的基础上改良了实验设施,对儿童进行了实验。结果证明五岁和四岁儿童的表现有大幅度提高。由此也证明,前面认为孩子不具备推理能力的实验结论是错误的。因此,本题的正确答案是“Simon Hewson”。

  Section B

  52.细节推断题。文中第一段末提出“The link between interest rates and inflation is uncertain.And there are long,variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy。”,由此可以判断选项C为正确答案。

  53.推断题。从文中第二段、第三段举例可以看出,我们的经济inflation rate总比预测的要低、要好。因而正确答案为D项。

  54.意义推断题。第一段末谈到“And there are long,variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy”,由此排除选项D。最后一段说“since conventional measures suggest that both economies,esp.America's,have little productive slack”,意思就是讲过去传统的方法对某些经济预测不管用了,由此可以看出选项A不对。再看文末“both economies,esp.America's,have little productive slack.America's capacity utilization,for example,hit historically high levels earlier this year,and its jobless rate has fallen below most”,美国经济通胀率低,生产萧条状况少,生产能力极大发挥,失业率降到最高水平以下,由此可以反向推断,失业率高,经济通胀率就会低;失业率低,经济通胀率就会高。因而正确答案为B项。

  55.意义推断题。先看其上下文“3.5%in 1995.In fact,it fell to 2.6% in August,and is expected to average only about 3% for the year as a whole.In Britain and Japan inflation is running half a percentage below the rate predicted at the end of the last year.This is no flash in the pan;over the past couple of years,inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America”,文前,文后都讲经济通胀率低于预期,由此我们可以判断“This is no flash in the pan”,也就意味着低经济通胀仍将继续(整个经济不会出现高通胀这样的情况)。

  56.写作态度题。最后一段,作者首先提到经济学家们感到surprised,随即作者便问“Why has inflation proved so wild?”笔者最后惊呼“powerful structural changes in the world have up-ended the old economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation”,突然发现已经不能根据经济增长和经济通胀之间传统的联系来预测经济发展规律了,因而正确答案为D项。

  57.主旨题。第一段后半部分引出主旨“They have trouble getting enough clean water for their basic needs.This situation may soon become common all around the world,...lack of clean water may be one of the biggest issues in the twenty-first century。”。第二段谈及clean water变少的两个主要原因,第三段告诉读者既然可饮用水减少,人们就拼命掘井。然而井水也被污染。第四段说一旦地下水被污染,就不是短时间内可以恢复的。第五段阐述地下水污染的三个主要原因(化学物质、农业和废物)。最后一段再次重申地下水问题的重要性并呼吁全球政府采取措施。因此,正确答案为D项。

  58.细节推断题。请看上下文“They have trouble getting enough clean water for their basic needs.This situation may soon become common all around the world,...lack of clean water may be one of the biggest issues in the twenty-first century”,由此可推断将有越来越多的人喝不上、用不上干净的水,故正确答案D项。

  59.细节选择题。第二段讲干净的水减少的原因“On the one hand,people are using more water than ever before...population of the world has more than doubled...On the other hand,many sources of surface water...--are too polluted and unhealthy for use as drinking water。”,即一方面人均用水量比以前增加,人口翻番;另一方面地表水污染严重,不适合饮用。因此正确答案为C项。

  60.细节题。第三段中的“people in the United States began to find chemicals in their well water,...Weldon Spring,...,for example,。.”说明美国科学家发现Weldon Spring这些地方的井水里有化学物质。因此正确答案为A项。

  61.推断题。倒数第二段“Industrial sites...are one cause of underground water pollution... Underground water pollution is also caused by modern farming methods,which require the use of large amounts of chemicals in the fields.And finally,yet another important cause of underground water pollution is waste”中清楚地说明了地下水污染的三大原因,即化学物质、农业化肥和废弃物。因此正确答案为D项。

  Part V Error Correction

  62.两个主语meeting和failing to meet another person's eye用or连接,谓语动词通常和最邻近的主语一致。

  63.表示方式的状语searchingly暗示这里应该是表示“注视”的词组look into,而不是一般的“看”--look at。

  64.根据上下文应为eye contact的方式方法问题。


  66.形容词或过去分词前加定冠词,表示这一类人,此处the accused表示“被告”。


  68.注意so和such在用法上的差异:so+adj. / adv.+that;such+n.+that。



  71.不定式to control the talking pace and time和to indicate a change of topic一起作conversational traffic signal的定语。

  Part Ⅵ Translation

  72.[注释] 本句主要考查“尴尬”的翻译,即embarrassment。

  73.[注释] 本句考查“阻拦”的翻译,也就是hold back changes的使用。

  74.[注释] 本句首先考查的电是“阻挡”的翻译,即stand in one's way;其次是“决心”的翻译,即 resolve。

  75.[注释] 本句第一个难点是“连续”的翻译,可使用词组on end;其次,是“享受”的翻译,即be entitled to。

  76.[注释] 本句考查的是“说服”的翻译,也就是词组convince...of。.的使用。

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