

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 17:01   文都教育

  Part Ⅱ  Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. D  2. B  3. B  4. A  5. C  6. C  7. A

  8. pigeons

  9. leading/guiding/directing

  10. challenge of evolution

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11--15     ACBCD      16--20     ACABA       21--25     ABDBB

  Section B

  26--30    BCDDA     31--35    CBCBA

  Section C

  36. recall                37. suspecting        38. practically        39. manufacturing

  40. enterprises           41. managed          42. accomplish       43. arrange

  44. he would cross off items and add others as they occurred to him

  45. His goal manages to cross off every single item

  46. those at the top use s To Do List every day to make better use of their time; those aT the bottom don't

  Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  47. To test whether children are capable of deductive reasoning。

  48. integrate/put together

  49. features of the apparatus and procedure

  50. Michael Cole and his colleagues。

  51. Simon Hewson

  Section B

  52--56     CDBAD     57--61     DDCAD

  Part V Error Correction

  62. produce→produces

  63. at→into

  64. where→how

  65. after→when或if

  66. 在accuse 之前加the

  67. 删除being

  68. such→so

  69. other→another

  70. inattentive→attentive

  71. 在control之前加to

  Part Ⅵ Translation

  72. The scandal will undoubtedly be an embarrassment to the Labour Party which is trying hard to win the election

  73. No matter how hard they try, the older generation often find it difficult to hold back changes among the young

  74. nothing can stand in the way of the Chinese people in their resolve to modernize their country

  75. after working for 6 months on end, employees are entitled to paid holidays and sick leaves

  76. The lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence

  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

  1.由“Cracking Walnuts”部分第二段第二句“But this remarkable piece of behavior would seem to be a particularly acute demonstration of bird intelligence。”可见乌鸦借助交通工具轧碎核桃的行为是鸟类具有智慧的例证。故本题正确答案为D项。

  2.由“Do Birds Have Intelligence?”部分第三句“But a new generation of scientists believes that creatures,including birds,can solve problems by insight and even learn by example,as human children do。”可见新一代的科学家们认为鸟类和其他动物电具有智慧。因此本题正确答案为B项。

  3.“Good Memory”部分讲到有些鸟类拥有非凡的记忆力。作者以某类北美乌鸦为例。在每年11月份,该乌鸦将近三万粒松子储藏在广达两百平方英里的范围内。在随后的八个月里,它能够找回90%的松子,无论它们是否被厚厚的白雪覆盖。根据原文“Over the next eight months,it succeeds in retrieving over 90 percent of them,even when they are covered in feet of snow。”可知本题正确答案为B项。

  4.由“Making and Using Tools”部分第一段第一句“On the Pacific island of New Caledonia, the crows demonstrate a tool-making,and tool using capability comparable to Paleolithic man's。”可知新喀里多尼亚岛上的这种乌鸦所展示的制造和使用工具的能力可以和旧石器时代的人相媲美。故本题正确答案为A项。

  5.根据“Communication Ability”部分第一段最后一句“The work of Professor Irene Pepperberg of the University of Arizona,Tucson,has now shown the general perception of parrots as mindless mimics to be incorrect。”可知教授的工作证明了把鹦鹉说话当作愚蠢学舌的普遍看法是错误的。由此可以推断,人们一般认为鹦鹉说话是愚蠢的学舌。故本题正确答案为C项。

  6.由“Communication Ability”部分第三段中的“While they wander around the forest,they learn the different dialect songs...As soon as a territory-owning male dies,a new young male may move in to take over within 10 minutes.He will immediately start singing the dialect of the territory he is in。”可知年轻的雄鸟学习不同的“方言”并不是为了和该领地的鸟交流关于食物的信息,而是为了在该领地的雄鸟死去后可以占据该领地,用“方言”统领其他鸟。因此本题的正确答案为C项。

  7.由“Social Necessity Makes Birds Smart”部分第一句“Scientists believe it is not physical need that drives creatures to become smarter,but social necessity。”可知是社会需求并非生理需求使生物变得更有智慧。故本题正确答案为A项。

  8.“Possessing Abstract Concepts”部分最后两句作者说:“The experiment seems to show that pigeons can hold concepts,or ideas,in their heads.The visual concept for the pigeon is Picasso's painting style。”作者举鸽子为例,讲到有些鸟类具有抽象概念。故本题答案为“pigeons”。

  9.根据“Social Necessity Makes Birds Smart”部分第二段“Some ravens certainly apply their intelligence for the good of the flock...This bird leads the others to his food store,apparently sharing his finding with the rest of the flock。”可知北美的这些乌鸦引导同伴到自己发现食物的地方,让大家一起分享食物。故此题答案可以填写“leading/guiding/directing”。

  10.根据“Intelligence Inheritance”部分倒数第二句“They would never have met the challenge of evolution without some degree of native cunning。”可见鸟类是通过基因遗传获得能力和智慧应对进化过程中的挑战。故本题答案为“challenge of evolution”。

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