
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 17:34   英语教师网

  after behind

  after多用于表示顺序的前后,如:She walked in the line after Tom. 或用来表示"追赶",表示一种动态,如:He ran after Mary. 而behind多用于强调先进与落后,如:She is much behind the other girls in sewing. 或者用于表达"迟于",如:The train was ten minutes behind the time table. 或者与表示静态的动词连用,如:She hid herself behind the flowers.


  [误] He worked very hard in a hot afternoon.

  [正] He worked very hard on a hot afternoon.

  [析] 习惯用的词组in the afternoon, 如果加入任何修饰词后其前面的介词in都要改为on,不论其修饰词在前还是在后,如:He swam in this river on the afternoon of June lst. 又如:Are you free on Sunday afternoon?


  [误] He against me.

  [正] He is against me.

  [析] 要注意against意为"反对",但它在英文中却不是动词,而是介词,如要讲反对某事或某人时则要加动词be, 如:He is against somebody/something.

  against for

  against意为"反对"、"不赞成";而for则意为"同意",为其反意词。如:Are you for or against the plan?


  [误] He is twenty years old of age.

  [正] He is twenty.

  [正] He is twenty years old.

  [正] He is at the age of twenty.

  ago 

  [误] Tom's father has been dead five years ago.

  [正] Tom's father died five years ago.

  [析] ago意为由说话时算起,若干时间以前。它只能和一般动词过去时连用,而不要与完成时连用。

  [误] Yesterday I met a friend. We didn't see each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago.

  [正] Yesterday I met a friend. We hadn't seen each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago.

  [析] 要注意的是在本句是ago是用在由since引起的从句之中,只是从句应用过去时,但不影响主句的时态。


  [误] Does the teacher agree to us?

  [正] Does the teacher agree with us?

  [误] Does he agree with our plan?

  [正] Does he agree with us?

  [析] agree with 指"同意某人的提议、建议、计划"等。如果要讲同意某项计划则要用agree to, 如:Do you agree to the plan?

  all 

  [误] The old man has two sons. All of them are workers.

  [正] The old man has two sons. Both of them are workers.

  [析] all是指三者或以上的全部,而both则是指"两者都"。

  [误] The all children are playing football now.

  [正] All the children are playing football now.

  [析] all作修饰词时其位置要在所有的修饰词之前,不论这些修饰词是定冠词、指示代词、形容词或名词,或代词的所有格。

  [误] You all are right.

  [正] You are all right.

  [析] all作同位语时其位置要置于be动词之后,实意动词之前,如:The teachers all work hard. 或用于第一助动词之后,如:The boys have all been waiting for their mothers.


  [误] Nearly nobody thinks he is right.

  [正] Almost nobody thinks he is right.

  [析] nearly与almost是近意词,其含意差别不大,但是与否定词连用时要用almost, 例如:She brought almost no money with her. 此句中的almost不能用nearly替换。


  [误] The old man lived lone but he didn't feel lonely.

  [正] The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

  [析] alone, lone, lonely 三个词全具有"孤单、孤独"之意。但其用法不同:lone可以作定语,而alone则只能作表语,lonely则多指感情上与感觉上的孤独。


  [误] We are already for the work.

  [正] We are all ready for the work.

  [析] already 是副词,其意为"已经",如:He already knew about it. 而all ready为形容词意为"准备好"。

  already yet

  already多用于肯定句中,例如:The students have already finished the work. 而yet则多用于疑问句与否定句中,如:Have you finished it yet? I haven't finished it yet.


  [误] I didn't find the dictionary also.

  [正] I didn't find the dictionary either.

  [析] 作为"也"讲,在否定句中要用either而不能用also.

  also too 

  also与too都可用在肯定句中表示"也",但also通常用于be动词或情态动词之后,如:I can also do it myself. 而too一般放于句尾。I'll attend his class, too.


  [误] Always he asked himself why he had come here.

  [正] He always asked himself why he had come here.

  [析] always一般不能用于句首,它在一般句中的位置是于动词之前第一助动词之后,如:I've always thought he is honest. 又如:He is always late.


  [误] If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?

  [正] If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?

  [析] among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。

  an 

  [误] This is an useful dictionary.

  [正] This is a useful dictionary.

  [析] 详见a条。

  and 

  [误] He did not speak loudly and clearly.

  [正] He did not speak loudly nor clearly.

  [误] Our school is not in New York and Chicago, but in Boston.

  [正] Our school is not in New York or Chicago, but in Boston.

  [析] "和"这一概念在肯定句中应用and,但在否定句中则要用or

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