
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月14日 18:00   英语教师网


  [误] -I don't like opera.

  -I don't like too. 

  [正] -I don't like opera.

  -I don't like either. 

  [析] 在否定句中用either表示"也",而在肯定句中用too表示"也"。

  [误] Either you or I are right.

  [正] Either you or I am right.

  [析] 这在语法书中被称作就近原则,即哪个主语离谓语动词近,则应采用与哪个主语相一致的谓语动词,相同用法的还有neither…nor…,not only…but also…,以及or在连接两个主语时。如:You or he is to go home. The others will have to stay in the classroom.

  elder 

  [误] My older brother has gone to Shanghai.

  [正] My elder brother has gone to Shanghai.

  [析] 在表示兄姐的长幼时应用elder表示"哥哥姐姐",如:my elder sister 姐姐,但表示岁数时则多用older,如:She is two years older than I.

  empty 

  [误] Are these seats empty?

  [正] Are these seats taken?

  [析] empty是指空洞的没有任何物体,如:The house was empty, 其意思是没有任何家具或屋内无人。但座位是否有人坐应用take.


  [误] My sister studied English language very well.

  [正] My sister studied the English language very well.

  [正] My sister studied English very well.

  [析] 在泛指某一种学科时,不应加冠词,如:I like history.但如特指某一门学科时则应加冠词,如:He likes the history of America.

  enjoy 

  [误] I enjoy to play football.

  [正] I enjoy playing football.

  [析] enjoy后要接动名词,而不接不定式。

  [误] Did you enjoy at the English evening?

  [正] Did you enjoy yourself at the English evening?


  [误] I'm sorry. You are not studying enough carefully.

  [正] I'm sorry. You are not studying carefully enough.

  [析] enough要用在形容词或副词之后。

  [误] Do you have enough of money?

  [正] Do you have enough money?

  [正] Do you have enough of the money?

  [误] The coffee isn't enough.

  [正] There isn't enough coffee.

  [析] enough可以作be动词的表语,但其主语应是代词,如:That's enough. It was enough. 如果是名词时应换用上面的句型。

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