英国国家统计部(ONS),不是one-night-stand,是Office for National Statistics,近日首次强调了在英国的外籍务工人员过多(其中包括EU的),这一原因直接导致英国当地居民的失业率屡破记录。在肯特郡和诺丁汉郡均有规模不小的游行队伍示威,可以想象GB(可以是Great Britain或者Gorden Brown)如坐针毡。
英国的教育业很发达,这没错,但在这种教育体制下诞生的英国公民都具有十分良好的employability么?答案不是肯定的。UK workers with few skills and little motivation to work. ask any employer in catering - we avoid taking on UK staff in favour of europeans and south americans because they will actually do the job, not because they work for less。这就是答案,因为社会福利等因素太过于完善,英国人大多很懒散,其实也不能定义为懒散,就是工作很情绪化,一天的工作可以听任自己的情绪而非employor散发的那些条条框框。跟当地朋友坐下来谈论这种事情的时候,我们都很放的开,可以相互argue可以相互support,因为究其根本,我们并没有实际上的利益冲突。
一个英国朋友跟我说,在英国工作,英国公民首当其冲应享有优先权,而且在英国运作的公司其内部员工应该90%以上为英国人。我说对,这不就是现在的情况么,找工作时,英国居民一等,欧共体二等,我们这些来自亚非国家的末等。问他:What is a 'British Job'? If British companies invest in China and employ Chinese, are these British Jobs? If Chinese companies invest in Britain and employ British workers, are they pinching Chinese Jobs? If all foreign workers left, British employment would FALL because so would demand。
Many of the immigrants from overseas pay UK taxes and yet have no recourse to public funds. They CAN and ALREADY be a valuable asset to the country in areas where there are skill shortages. They contribute to our society and our economy. Think before discriminating! Like it or lump it, we all now live in a Global society. If people want to come and work in the UK, great. If UK citizens want to go and work abroad, great. If I was recruiting a position, the job would go to whoever was the best for the job, regardless of nationality. Any employer would say the same. 所以所有企业的存在其目的只有一个,那就是追求利润并最大化股东收益,这是作为finance人必须认知到的。