
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月06日 11:08   新东方


  1) This is the first time that I heard _______________(用意大利语唱“祝你生日快乐”).

  2) The cars _______________(停在消防通道的) will be ticketed.

  3) The war went on for years, _______________(夺去了成千上万人的生命).

  4) The farmers used a new insecticide, thus _______________(将平均产量提高了15%).

  5) Einstein watched the toy in delight, _______________(想推导出它的运转原理).

  6) _______________(看到大家都在聚精会神地看书), we stopped talking and began to study.

  7) _______________(被这个男孩的事迹深深打动了), they decided to pay for his education.

  8) _______________(从一个年轻朋友的眼光来看), Einstein was a simple, modest and ordinary man.

  9) _______________(好久没有收到父母的来信了), he was worried about them.


  1) _______________(每天洗冷水澡) does him a lot of good.

  2) They tried to avoid _______________(让女儿做她不喜欢的事情).

  3) Developing varieties is the key to _______________(使我们的产品进入国际市场).

  4) It is no use _______________(为洒了的牛奶而哭泣).

  5) He denied_______________(偷看了同桌的试卷).

  6) We congratulated her on _______________(被提升为经理).


  1) Success means _______________(非常努力地工作).

  2) John meant _______________(开车去那儿,但他的车出了故障).

  3) I heard him _______________(在跟他的母亲谈话).

  4) I heard him _______________(跟他的母亲谈了一个小时).

  5) He jumped into the pool to save the child _______________(结果却摔断了自己的腿).

  6) He jumped from the burning house, _______________(摔断了双腿).

  7) He was happy _______________(看到父母很健康).

  8) _______________(看到父母安然无恙), he issued a sigh of relief.

  9) _______________(跟随着它的脚印), the zoologists spotted the hungry panda.

  10) The pop, _______________(后面跟着两个

保镖), came to meet his fans.


  1) _______________(他们为什么离开家乡去云南) is still a secret.

  2) _______________(最让我不解的) was that he spoke English so well.

  3) _______________(这么做是故意的) became obvious.

  4) It is not clear yet _______________(谁应该为这件事负责).

  5) It is none of your business _______________(玛丽与谁订婚).

  6) Don’t put off till tomorrow _______________(今天能做的事).

  7) This novel is just _______________(我一直在寻找的).

  8) It is not yet known _______________(机器人是否有一天能拥有象人一样的视力).

  9) _______________(她是否喜欢那个礼物) is not clear to me.

  10) My main problem right now is _______________(我是否应该请求另一笔贷款).

  11) It all depends on _______________(他们是否会支持我们).

  12) You have yet to answer my question _______________(我是否可以指望你的投票).

  13) Finally, the workers got an answer _______________(政府做不了什么事来提高他们工资).

  14) Obviously, there was little certainty _______________(主席会同意他的提议).

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