

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月19日 18:33   新浪教育



  Part I Writing(30minutes)

  Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic college students’ pressure in finding jobs. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese blow:

  1. 目前中国的老年人所占比例不断上升

  2. 老龄化社会的到来对整个社会提出了要求

  3. 我认为社会应该要做的努力

  Part I Writing:


  Coping with An Aging Society

  3 decades of reform and opening-up saw the solid and rapid growth of Chinese economy, and also an increasing number of elder population and its high rate compared to the whole population since the adoption of family-planning policy. To some extent, china has moved into a aging society, how to coping with this issue and make all the elder people live a happy and healthy later life is the central issue for our government and the whole society.

  With the emergence of much elder population, our society must take some measures to meet the needs and requirements of the aged. Firstly, their healthcare is the main issue. For this part, I think we must build some elder-oriented hospital and community clinic, where elder caring is the priority and all the physicians will focus on how to treat and take care common diseases of elder people. Further more, recreational activities should also be put into agenda. After their retirement, the elder also need to participate in the community activities. In my opinion, a variety of clubs and group, such as dancing, boxing exercise, can be organized to enrich the life of elder people.

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