

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月20日 14:32   新东方


  北京新东方学校 赵建昆

  11. D. She has lost contact with most of her friends

  12. A. A painter

  13. C. Make inquiries elsewhere

  14. C. He has gained some weight lately

  15. D he doesn’t like abstract paintings

  16. B she may have put her notebook amid the journals

  17. A she wants to get some sleep

  18. B his chance of getting the job is slim

  19. A. he can manage his time more flexibly

  20. D. searching the website

  21 D. to utilize its retired employees’ resources

  22. C. See a piece of property

  23. B It is a small one with a two –bedroom house

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