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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 模拟话题(2):题他乡风味

http://www.sina.com.cn 2001/09/11 17:17  新东方教育在线

  模拟话题:What do you think of foreign food?

  I like foreign food. I particularly like Indian food. Well, I’m married to an Indian girl. She is a good cook. I’m lucky to have her cook for me every day. I think Indian food as well as other foreign foods is generally tastier and more spicy than English food. You see, we are becoming more and more cosmopolitan in our eating habits. London is full of foreign restaurants, isn’t it? Here, take-away fish and chip shops sometimes sell other food, such as salamis and even curry. I know that cooking varies from country to country. Every country has its own national dishes. Traditional English dishes, like roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and fish and chips, are quite well known abroad. But I must say as a nation we are not particularly good at catering. As far as I’m concerned, I think we should learn to cook more interesting dishes and make our food tastier and more varied.

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