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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 无药可医,让海豚来医(2)

Dolphin Therapy(2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/18 16:55  空中美语



  Conversation C

  Jenny and Greg are eating ice cream and continuing to talk.

  Jenny: So your brother got better because he played with dolphins?

  Greg: There’s more. When Norman went back to the normal hospital, my mom gave him a dog.

  Jenny: Oh really? Why?

  Greg: A dog knows when a person is sad and really likes to help.

  Jenny: But what can a dog do?

  Greg: Like a dolphin, a dog just gives love and doesn’t judge a person.

  Conversation D

  Jenny: Isn’t taking a dogsintosa hospital a health hazard?

  Greg: My mom made sure the dog had no diseases.

  Jenny: But what about people with allergies?

  Greg: Good question. Norman is only allowed to see the dog outside, away from other sick people.

  Jenny: So everyone is safe and your brother is better. A dog really is man’s best friend.

  Greg: Well, maybe a dolphin is, too.





  Translation--Conversation D



  be only allowed to . . .“只许……”,例如:

  A:Mom, can I try my new bicycle now?

  B:Yes, but you are only allowed to ride it on this street.




  (A) What happened (B) has made sure (C) what’s wrong with him

  (D) for one thing (E) What can a dog do (F) until (G) health hazard

  1. A:Is your Dad still in Hong Kong?

  B:He was in Hong Kong __(1)__ last week.

  A: __(2)__ last week?

  B: The furniture factory here had some problems. He had to come back and deal with them.

  2. A:The doctor gave my little brother a pet dog.

  B: __(3)__ for a patient?

  A: The dog tries to get him to play. It doesn’t care __(4)__.

  B:Isn’t a dog a __(5)__ for a sick person?

  A: The doctor __(6)__ that the dog has no diseases.

  3. A:How is a health facility different from a hospital?

  B:Well, __(7)__, a hospital doesn’t usually have a swimming pool.



  (1) F (2) A (3) E (4) C (5) G (6) B (7) D

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空中美语 专栏


1. normal adj.平常的

2. hazard n.危险,危害物

3. disease n.疾病

4. allergy n.过敏


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