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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 活用美国俚语:三册第1课

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/23 18:09  空中美语

  Dialogue 对话:

  Frank: I'm at the end of my rope, Helen; Cousin Charlie has got to go !

  Helen : Now, Frank, try to simmer down. We can't tell him to clear out just like that.

  F: I'm sorry, Helen, but for the last three weeks I've come home, after working all day, and there's dear Cousin Charlie, lounging around in my silk bathrobe, smoking my Havana cigars and drinking my Brandy; and I'm not going to put up with it any longer.

  H: Yes, dear, I know how you feel. Frankly, I've never known such an utter slob like him before in nay life.

  F: Well, I'd say it's time we had a showdown with that deadbeat cousin of yours, Helen.

  H: Cousin of mine? What do you mean? He’s not my cousin! I thought he was your cousin !

  F : What? And I thought he was your cousin!

  H: So, just who is this Cousin Charlie, anyway ?

  F: I don't know, Helen. But I'm afraid there's going to be a sudden death in his family very soon.

  Sentence Patterns 句型练习:



  Frank was__ __ __ __ __ __ __over the matter.


  He finally__ __ after he had smoked a cigarette.


  We can't ask him to__ __ ,just like that.


  She refused to__ __ __ any longer.


  Look at the way that__ eats.


  Jones had a__ with his boss regarding his salary.


  Mary's parents agreed that her boyfriend was a __.

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空中美语 专栏


1. At the end of one's rope无计可施,山穷水尽
unable to endure, tolerate a condition or situation无法忍受某种状况或情形
The mother of the kidnapped child was at the end of her rope from worry when she received word that her son had been released unharmed.消息传来,小孩已安全获释;此时这位被绑票的小孩的母亲已因为焦虑而陷于绝境。

2. Simmer down冷静
to calm down, quiet down冷静;安静
Children, recess is over, so simmer down and take your seats, please.孩子们,休息时间已过并请安静坐回原处。

3. Clear out离开
to leave, go away离开
When the fight broke out, Jack announced that the party was over and asked everyone to clear out.争斗发生时,杰克宣布结束舞会并请大家离开。

4. Put up with忍受
to tolerate,to endure容忍,忍受
She refused to put up with his incessant gambling.她不愿容忍他的嗜赌如命。

5. Slob邋遢的人
a sloppy person, someone with an tractive, untidy appearance穿着不整,外貌不彰的邋遢人物。
Look at the way that fat slob eats; a pig has better manners.看那位胖家伙的吃相;猪的吃相都比他好看点。

6. Showdown摊牌
a decisive action that brings matters to a climax某种决定性的行动,使事情达到最高潮
When Phillips was not given the raise in salary that he had expected, he decided to have a showdown with the boss.菲利浦未获得预期的加薪,他决定和老板摊牌。

7. Deadbeat懒人;游手好闲之人
one who live, off the welfare of others; a worthless person依他人财富为生;无用的家伙
Everyone agreed that Mary's new boyfriend was nothing but a deadbeat.大家都认为玛丽新交的男朋友是个游手好闲的家伙。


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