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The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham (I)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 17:47  空中美语



  Wise Woman of Washington

  It could safely be said of Katherine Graham that few women had a greater influence on 20th-century American history. When she died last year at the age of 84, people from all walks of life were swift and generous in their eulogies.1

  Long-time owner of the Washington Post, Graham was a female pioneer2 in the“man’s world”of serious journalism. Her decision to publish the controversial Pentagon Papers in 1971 ensured that her name would always be linked to the ideals of press freedom.

  Katherine Meyer was born in 1917 to a wealthy and privileged family. Her father was a multimillionaire who gave up business and government service to buy the ailing3 Washington Post in 1933. Katherine shared his love of journalism, and worked on the paper’s editing desk for a few years before getting married.

  Her husband, Phil Graham, was a bright young lawyer who took over at the Post in 1945. The couple became a popular part of the Washington social scene. Behind the facade, however, lay a different story. Phil was given to wild mood swings and abusive behavior that caused Katherine a great deal of mental anguish.4 He suffered from manic depression, which gradually got worse, culminating in his suicide when Katherine was 46. Suddenly, she found herself in control of the Post.






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空中美语 专栏


1. eulogy n.颂词,悼词

2. pioneer n.先锋,先驱

3. ailing a.痛苦的,境况不佳

4. anguish n.剧烈痛苦


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