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Pair Skating and Ice Dancing(2)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 17:46  空中美语




  Figure skating was one of the events at the very first Winter Olympics in 1924. Before that, figure skaters had competed at the Summer Games as early as 1908. Ice dancing is a relatively new addition to the Games, making its debut at the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria.

  The use of skates as a means of transportation in cold northern regions of the world began in prehistoric times. Ice-skating as a sport, however, originated in Holland. From there, it spread to the rest of northern Europe and North America. The world’s first ice-skating club was formed in Edinburgh, Scotland, sometime around the end of the seventeenth century.

  Though ice-skating is a highly technical activity, it is easy to appreciate. Millions of people around the world enjoy watching the harmonious movements of a skating couple even if they don’t know the names of the particular spins or jumps being used. They are simply attracted by the graceful beauty of this highly entertaining sport.—by Martin Kelly




  Language Focus

  Pattern A

  Before that, figure skaters had competed at the Summer Games as early as 1908.

  句型:... as + Adj/Adv + as ...


  例1:Since my foot injury, I haven’t been able to move my feet as quickly as I used to.自从我的脚受伤后,我就没法像以前那样活动自如。

  例2:It feels like this winter hasn’t been as cold as last winter.


  Pattern B

  Though ice-skating is a highly technical activity, it is easy to appreciate.

  They are simply attracted by the graceful beauty of this highly entertaining sport.

  句型:Adv + Adj


  Timmy is rich enough to buy a private jet.

  例1:The woman standing over there is amazingly tall.


  例2:Please obey the no-smoking rule here. It is strictly enforced.


  句子合并(用“as + Adj/Adv + as”将两句合并成一句)

  1. The last test was pretty hard.

  This test wasn’t very hard.


  2. My mother used to let me play my guitar loudly.

  My mother won’t let me play my guitar loudly anymore.



  1. I am sorry for the delay. (terribly)


  2. In spite of his illness, he is cheerful. (relatively)



  1. take place


  2. in contrast


  3. in harmony


  Language Focus_答案:


  1. This test wasn't as hard as the last one.

  2. My mother won't let me play my guitar as loudly as she used to.


  1. I am terribly sorry for the delay.

  2. In spite of his illness, he is relatively cheerful.


  1. The Winter Olympics will take place in Salt Lake City.

  2. Sally is shy. Her brother Mike, in contrast, is loud and funny.

  3. In a perfect world, animals and humans would live in harmony together.

  Reading Question

  After reading the article, choose the best answer to each question.

  1.What are the two separate events for pair figure skating?

  (A) Male and female individual skating.

  (B) Mixed and unmixed pair skating.

  (C) Technical and creative skating.

  (D) Pair skating and ice dancing.

  2.What is one of the differences between pair skating and ice dancing?

  (A) Ice dancing involves dances such as tangos and waltzes.

  (B) Pair skating involves two people. Ice dancing only involves one person.

  (C) In ice dancing, a couple performs a program of movements in harmony.

  (D) In pair skating, the couple must interpret the rhythm of the music.

  3.When andswheresdid ice dancing debut in the Winter Olympics?

  (A) 1924 - Tokyo, Japan.

  (B) 1908 - Sydney, Australia.

  (C) 1976 - Innsbruck, Austria.

  (D) 1964 - New York City, U.S.A..

  4.Where was the world’s first ice-skating club formed?

  (A) Holland.

  (B) Northern Europe and North America.

  (C) Innsbruck, Austria.

  (D) Edinburgh, Scotland.

  Reading Questions_答案:

  1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D)

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空中美语 专栏


1. relatively adv. to quite a large extent or degree相当地
I am relatively sure that the address is correct.

2. debut n. the first public performance or presentation首演,初次登场
Michael Jordan made his NBA debut in 1985.

3. spread v. to become more widely known, felt, or suffered扩散;普及
The popular new style of clothing spread all over the world.

4. technical adj. sth. related to the technique of an art or science技术的;专门的
I have a user’s understanding of a computer, but I don’t have any technical knowledge.

5. appreciate v. to enjoy or recognize the beauty of sth.鉴赏
Many tourists appreciate the beauty of the Statue of Liberty.

6. harmonious adj. sth. that is in agreement in feeling, attitude, or action和谐的
My dog and cat are very harmonious together; they never fight.


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